Mixing different hues of the same color when dressing can be challenging. Color hue can be described as the amount of red, blue and yellow that exists in a color. For example, a blue that has more yellow in it looks greener. A blue that has more red in it looks more purple. They are both blue in color when you look at them, but if you aren't aware of these subtle differences in hue, it can make it look like you got dressed in the dark or are training to be a clown.
To effortlessly combine colors in different hues stick to the same tone. A color tone can be described as the amount of black or white that appears in that color. For example pastel colors have more white in them and therefore appear less saturated.
Here I have mixed different hues of blue in jewel tones. Some of the blues are more green, some are more purple but they all work well together because they have the same deep rich tone.
The brown on the lower half is also in the same tone and as a general rule brown and blue are best friends when it comes to pairing colors.
HAL, Italian handmade boots – TJ Maxx; http://www.tjmaxx.com/
Corduroy pants: Joe Fresh – http://www.joefresh.com/
Gingham shirt – Tommy Hilfiger – http://usa.tommy.com/tommy/
Louis Moinet watch – http://www.louismoinet.com/
Canali belt – http://www.canali.it/english/index.php
Wool sweater, J.Crew NY – http://www.jcrew.com/mens-clothing.jsp
Prada sunglasses – http://www.prada.com/
Blue sports jacket – bespoke, Artine's Fine Tailoring