I don’t like things to be uneven.
In life.
Or my clothing.
When I came across this asymmetrical top at Anthropologie in their sales room the first thing that caught my eye was not the cut, but rather the colour.
Then I realized it was cut (in my best highly educated fashion terminology) “wonky”.
After hanging out with Sylvia, the reigning Queen of all things asymmetrical and architectural I knew that this was in fact a sophisticated contemporary look that I just hadn’t been able to wrap my straight and narrow little brain around yet.
What to do?
It fit well.
I liked the colour.
I figured “Aw heck! Expand your horizons Suzanne! You can figure out how to wear an asymmetrical top. It’s not rocket science! Or Grade 12 math! ( I still curse you Grade 12 math!)”
So I bought it. (Big Surprise! NOT.)
And I wore it to celebrate…of all things, Australia Day.
Yes I live in Canada.
Yes Australia is about 15,500 km away from us.
Don’t you celebrate other countries national holidays?
Anything for a par-tahy I say!
My husband does business with many other countries and thus we are sometimes invited to special events. Well he is. I like to tag along and act awkward. I’m a pro at eating, drinking and nodding. I’ve got the whole “schmoozing” thing down pat.
This year the Australian Consulate in Toronto celebrated Australia Day by renting out the Hot Docs theatre to screen a new Australian film called “Son of a Gun“. It was an action packed heist film which turned out to be a quite good along with my outfit.
I did notice that I kept wanting to pull down the one side on the sweater all the time. I’m not used to having extra folds of fabric.

In the end I had to switch out the necklace for the one above. The chain on the handmade one was pulling the knit.
While perusing similar items online I spotted this insane asymmetrical top. Wild right? I think JLo would look good in that.
For more info on asymmetrical tops and advice on how to incorporate them into your wardrobe check out the woman does asymmetrical best, Sylvia. I think 95% of her closet is asymmetrical. If she could buy asymmetrical shoes I think she would! ; P
Linking up with the Pleated Poppy – What I Wore, Get Your Pretty On – I Feel Pretty, Happiness at Mid-Life – Throw Back Thursday
Fashion Should Be Fun – Fashion Friday
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