“Freedom’s just another word for…nothing left to lose.”
We went to see A Night With Janis Joplin show last week and loved it.

The show features many different female blues singers from the past and some of the best known Janis Joplin songs. If you like the blues this show is great.
I was spurred on by the Janis boho style when I came across this knit vest while thrifting.

I saw these distressed jeans, or very similar ones when I was in NYC in Sept last year with Sylvia in a Ralph Lauren window display and fell in love with them. When I recently spotted these heavily patched and reworked distressed jeans I couldn’t pass them up.

I don’t care that as a woman well over forty I’m not supposed to wear distressed jeans anymore.
“Desperate, trying too hard, ridiculous, sloppy”…you name it, distressed jeans provoke some serious commentary from the forty plus community.
I will admit that when I saw the jeans I heard some nagging female voices in the back of my head insisting I was too old to wear these.
I dislike those voices.
I want them out of my head.
They don’t belong there anymore than the voices that tell me I’m too heavy.
When I saw the jeans they spoke to my inner voice, the one that defines how I see myself rather than how others see me. The one that makes me happy and feel good about myself and doesn’t pay attention to the passing years but rather to the reflection of myself in my mind’s eye, the way I see myself.
Style is personal.
Style is subjective.
Style isn’t defined by other people.
Style is how you feel on the inside, reflected on the outside.

Distressed Jeans Over 40
It just so happens that my very favourite pair of jeans of all time are distressed.

My favourite distressed jeans happen to fit me better than any other pair of jeans I own.
There isn’t an age expiry date sewn on the inside of them.
I know distressed jeans aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Just remember…
Style is in the eye of the beholder.
And that includes distressed jeans.
Do you ever hear other people’s voices in your head telling you what you should or shouldn’t wear?
Do they bother you or help you?
Linking up with Visible Monday, I Will Wear What I Like Throw Back Thursday
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