We watched a movie this weekend based on a book called, Hector And The Search For Happiness.
It was cheesy, and quite silly but there were some good bits of advice I thought I’d pass along.

12 Tips To Happiness
“We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness but rather with the happiness of pursuit.”
– Enjoy the journey!
Many people see happiness only in their future.
– Enjoy the moment!
Many people think that happiness comes from having more power or more money.
– Be grateful for what you have.
The more we focus on our own personal happiness, the more it eludes us.
– Kindness to others enriches your own happiness.
Happiness is answering your calling.
– Doing what you love will make you happy.
Happiness is being loved for who you are.
– Accepting yourself and being accepted by others is important.
“Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.”
– Avoiding pain and fear will not result in happiness.
“Making comparisons can spoil your happiness.”
– Comparison is truly the thief of joy.
“Sometimes happiness is not knowing the whole story.”
– Would you rather be wise and unhappy or ignorant and blissful?
“Listening is loving.”
– Listening with an open heart is often what people crave most.
“More important than what we are searching for is what we are avoiding.”
– Fear blocks happiness.
“Nostalgia is not what it used to be.”
– We always embellish our memories, both good and bad.
While watching the movie I quickly ascertained that one thing that makes me happy is a warm pug on my lap.

12 things that make me happy
A healthy body.
Fresh baked bread.
Sitting in front of the fireplace on a cold night.
Checking items off my To Do List.
A summer’s day.
The smell of rain.
Chocolate anything.

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