Bathrobe Worn As A Dress
In my last post I wore my Ralph Lauren bathrobe as an open long jacket.
Quite a few people commented that their bathrobes don’t look as glamourous as that Ralph Lauren I scored while thrifting.
Mine either guys!
Here is my every day bathrobe and I wear it more as a dressing gown. It is so soft and warm that my pug Zoë is jealous of it.

I thrifted the Ralph Lauren because it was an extra luxurious dressing gown/bathrobe.
I knew when I bought it my personal challenge was to see if I could take the “bath” out of the robe and wear it confidently outside of the house without looking like I’d just run out of the house in a panic in the middle of the night to buy cigarettes. (FYI…if you ever see me doing that an alien has taken over my body. I’ve had a hatred of smoking and cigarettes since I was a child and have never smoked in my life, not even a puff!)
Look at Carole Lombard luxuriating in her dressing gown. Apparently they called them “boudoir robes”. When they’re that fancy it could easily double as red carpet attire.
The lovely Patti from Not Dead Yet has also rocked a dressing gown as a dress…although she used a different term calling it a housecoat.
I’m far from being the first blogger to exploit this idea.
Personally I use the term housecoat/bathrobe/robe and dressing gown interchangeably. Depending on where you’re from, you might have a slightly different interpretation for each of those terms.
One of my readers commented that my Ralph Lauren bathrobe “shouldn’t leave the house”. LOL
The reality is that 90% of people don’t even notice what other people are wearing. They are too wrapped up in themselves.
Try to remember what you saw people wearing today. Can you remember anything? Did you see someone at the grocery store and think, “Wow! He or she really has it going on!” Or, “He or she looks so interesting!” Or was it just a bunch of ho hum people in outfits that didn’t even register on your radar?
There are those that dress to blend in and those that dress to stand out and be remembered. I don’t need to tell you where I fall in that group. To each his or her own.
I don’t always dress to stand out. Some days I’ll dress to disappear. Those are normally the lower self esteem days, days when I’m wearing stretch jeans with an elasticized waist, an old graphic tee (often “embellished” in pug hair), runners, an Eddie Bauer hiking jacket and some kind of a hat with sunglasses. I’m in stealth mode. No one sees me and I see no one.
I prefer this version of styling the bathrobe as it suits my body shape more.
Belts are a curvy gal’s best friend.
What about you? Do you ever dress to disappear? If so, when and why?
Melanie and Vix you a both exempt from this question for obvious reasons.
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