For all you pug owners you know what I'm talkin' about.
Zoe is all about the attention.
She can also read time.
No joke.
At least 2 hours before she is supposed to eat, there she is, staring at me, pawing me to remind me that…
oh hello lady!
hey! hey!
look at me!
am I disturbing you?
look how skinny I am!
have you forgotten about me?
look I'm on the floor waiting…
whining and waiting…
now I'm barking…I'm getting very frustrated here!
it is almost 3:00!
I think I'm going to pass out with hunger
get your act together and FEED ME!
This is also the pug that kept me company for the past 3 weeks in my illness.
Always by my side.
Snoring softly like she does.
Yep…I love my pug.