Unsustainable Business Buy More The Cost Of Consumption
Did you know that a five year old computer is considered “vintage”? A computer older than six years is considered obsolete. That means parts will no longer be made available should you try to simply have your machine repaired rather than buy a brand new one.
How often do you think you should need to replace your computer?
I’m from the generation that believes big purchase items such as a computer should last around ten years. In the past a fridge could last twenty five years, now you are expected to replace your fridge after ten years. All appliances are now made to only last around ten years and apparently computers are only meant to last five years.
I had no idea that my computer would already be considered obsolete at the tender age of six. My old computer had special upgrades and one of them was the graphics card which they no longer make.
Do you ever think about the sustainability of our world?
For every computer that must be replaced one more ends up in the garbage heap.
This animated clip says it all…
Not only is it a way for large corporations to keep lining their pockets over consumption is systematically destroying the earth.
How do I segway from this important topic into photos of me wearing a pretty reclaimed secondhand dress?
I rescued this perfectly good dress from winding up in the garbage.
I like to believe that is a small step in the right direction.
This dress will soon be available in my Etsy store. Size small/medium.
I was very disappointed to learn that computers are meant to be replaced so quickly.
I know that people often replace their phones every year which is also ridiculous to me.
I’m hoping to have my new computer early next week. I couldn’t even walk out of the store with one because I require more storage and their new systems are “closed” which means once you buy the computer it’ll never be opened again, they have to add the extra storage when the computer is made. Closed systems (aka never-to-be-repaired) ensure that Apple will be getting more cash in the future.
What are your feelings about a society fuelled by consumption?
Does it ever weigh on your conscience?
Linking up with Hat Attack
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