Over 40 Blogger Meet-up Phoenix Winter 2017
I’m back from a fantastic refreshing trip to Phoenix
hosted by Sherry (Petite Over 40) aka the organizing super hero.
What makes Sherry awesome?
Sherry was willing to do anything to ensure a successful meet-up.
Sherry feels a like sister from another mister. We have very similar tastes and ideas. I still haven’t figured out how her huge heart fits into her petite body.
She is a mini organizing/planning machine. I don’t think I’ve met anyone else who is so aware of the needs of those around her. As soon as I arrived at her place I felt like I was “home”.
She is a night owl, impressive art collector and well rounded gal-of-all-trades that sometimes made me laugh until I cried. What more could you ask for? (Maybe that she didn’t live so darn far away from me!)
Sherry is a joy to be around and the reason this blogger meet-up was such a success.
Scenes From A Blogger Meet-up Phoenix Style
Good thing I left my six shooter at home as firearms are not allowed at this funky fun restaurant we visited. Just one of the many great places I was introduced to in Phoenix.
Naked Burt Reynolds with a blond wig anyone?
Don’t let anyone tell you Phoenix is only for “old fuddy duddies”.
This place is full of vibrant, whimsical and hip art, culture and food with awe inducing scenery that makes you feel as insignificant as a spec of dust in space.
Sherry took me to visit the Arboretum which is a massive park on the outskirts of Phoenix showcasing the native plants and wildlife.
I half expected John Wayne to saunter up on his horse while we were out hiking this trail. The scenery looked like it was straight off a movie set. Every corner we turned took my breath away. Even the smells were sweet. Not something you normally associate with the dessert.
Just hanging out with a goat on my back. #sonormal
#beakerhandbag #phoenixstyle
Goat Yoga
Yes, we did goat yoga and I loved it. I think we all did.
Someone asked me, “Why goats & yoga?”
Of course I responded, “Why not goats & yoga?”
Next on my list is baby pugs and yoga, but I doubt anyone would wind up doing much yoga.
The Botanical Gardens
The meet-up started Friday evening with the surreal dreamy backdrop of a vast open sparkling Indian ink sky, cinnamon mountains and catci soldiers standing at attention outlined in the silver glow of moonlight.
We were serenaded by Big Pete Peterson and his blues band in this Arizona paradise.
I kept closing my eyes trying to freeze the moment in my brain and absorb every detail, my foot tapping along to the blues.
One of the attendees was not a blogger but rather a blog fan.
Jude, up in the photo above with me was a welcome addition to our gang.
It was insightful to have the opinion of someone “on the outside”. Jude has high energy, a curious mind and a fabulous sense of fashion and personal style. It was amazing meeting someone that has only recently discovered fashion bloggers to get her opinions and feedback.

Want the scoop on the other ladies I met?
Diane – Fashion on the Fourth Floor
Stunningly beautiful, crazy high energy, talkative, outgoing, fitness obsessed, excitable force of nature with a very clear vision of her personal style.
Basically I want what she is having.
Rena – Fine Whatever
Low key, initially shy, determined, focused blogger with fabulous hair and a wonderful smile. Rena is a skilled thrifter and secondhand shopper, another reason I was delighted to meet her.
Patti – Not Dead Yet
Patti and I have met three times now in real life and each time she is a centered and calming force. She has a bit of a mischevious twinkle in her eye and a wicked sense of humour. I wish she lived closer to me as she has brilliant insight and a way of getting people to open up. She always knows just the “right thing” to say. I call her my Pattie Barbie because she sometimes lets me choose what she wears.

Margo (Wave Productivity) isn’t a blogger but rather a productivity coach. She is a fun, creative, talented wisp of a woman with a type A personality and impeccable taste. Her style is a modern day version of Audrey Hepburn. She opened up her magazine worthy modern oversized loft to Rena and Diane and hosted a blogger branding guest speaker, Jacqueline (Another Hand Advantage) along with a vast selection of Girl Scout cookies. I believe I tried everyone of those cookies… twice because we don’t have the same cookies in Canada. (That is my excuse and I’m sticking with it.)
Interestingly I learned that Facebook is still the best area to be posting on social media as a blogger. Surprising right? All you Instagrammers take note! I guess I’d better get back to posting on my FB page.
You may be surprised to learn just how little we focused on fashion or shopping at our style blogger’s meet-up.
We took in one very busy and overwhelming high end consignment store called My Sister’s Closet during the meet-up. We only shopped for about an hour. I picked up one Missoni look-alike vintage knit maxi skirt and a few of the other ladies did quite well. Overall though we were more interested in getting to know each other rather than simply buying more clothing.
After the meet-up was over Sherry and I took in one vintage store where I picked up a black velvet Charlie’s Angel jumpsuit with keyhole neckline and a unique plaid blazer. Sherry made out like a bandit at that thrift store. I can’t wait till she shows off some of her new treasures on her blog. One of them is very 1920’s style with lace and pearls.

Best part of the blogger meet-up?
Getting a back massage by a goat and having the chance to meet and share ideas with fascinating, creative, powerful women.
Whenever you think that blogging isn’t fulfilling you or you’re not making the type of money (ha ha!) or success you’d hoped for, try going to a blogger meet-up.
Connecting with interesting people and making new friends is the reason I continue to blog.
If you’re a blogger why do you blog? If you’re a reader why do you choose to read blogs?
Linking up with Visible Monday, I Will Wear What I Like, Shoe and Tell, Turning Heads Tuesdays, Fine Whatever, Hat Attack
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