Temptation And Thrifting
To say that I am tempted every time I thrift to keep items for myself is an understatement. It is a constant battle to ensure that pieces move into my store and not my closet. I am slowly learning to take control of my urges but it’s a battle.
“I didn’t start my store to become a hoarder.”
That is the mantra you may overhear me whispering repeatedly under my breath should you bump into me while thrifting. I need to repeat it regularly and remind myself no matter how many positively brilliant pieces I may find, and believe me, it is a goldmine out there, they are destined for someone else’s closet.

Take this bright and bold African print skirt…
Sweet right?
Or this rainbow pastel plaid skirt with gold metallic thread…

So pretty!
I found both of them in the same store on the same day. Funny how that happens.
Both of these skirts are very much my groove.
I’m hoping someone else will realize the potential in them.
I was fine letting both of these fab pieces slip through my hands and find a new owner.
Knowing that they won’t be heading to a landfill is rewarding.
Over 15 million tons of textile waste is produced every year in the United States, an amount that has more than doubled in the last 20 years. The average American throws away 80 pounds of clothing per person each year.
Bravo to the person that brought these two unworn pieces to the Salvation Army rather than tossing them into the garbage. The resources and energy that were used to create them will not be wasted.
Showing people the amazing items that can be purchased secondhand is my mission.
Let’s stop spending money on fast fashion and use what is already here.
There is no planet B. Small choices add up to big changes for our world.
Are you an avid secondhand shopper? If not, what is stopping you?
Linking up with Patti for Visible Monday, Turning Heads Tuesday and Fancy Friday
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