We all know that life is constantly changing, evolving and moving forward. Sometimes it feels like we are stagnating or moving backwards but that is only our perception. We continue on our own path inching forward daily.
The One Constant In Life Is Change

One would think by the age of fifty-one (soon-to-be fifty-two) I would be accepting of the inevitable changes that occur in life. I should understand that every moment gives us a new beginning and a new ending. Changes should be celebrated and not feared, yet I find myself railing against major changes in my life more so now than I did when I was younger. Instead of viewing them as an opportunity I worry about their consequences and how it will affect the trajectory of my life. Instead of remaining in the moment I’m years ahead of myself.
I’ve lost that magical connection to the present.
The ability to breathe and appreciate where I am.
Remaining in the here and now is a skill set I excelled at in my early years.
Didn’t we all? When the world was our oyster and nothing would stop us from achieving whatever we wanted?
With age comes acceptance and sometimes acceptance can slow us down.
Allowing reality to step all over implausible dreams is another way of saying we have matured and acquired wisdom.
Acceptance of reality without abandonment of dreams is the sweet spot.
Reality has a way of poking crater-like holes in my dreams until they are finally just fluffs of air that blow away with the slightest wind.
I’d love to have some of my youthful naivety back.
That blissful ignorance that propels us to react without reflecting, jumping without looking for a place to land.
I stumbled across this quote and it resonated with me today…
“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” – Robin Sharma
Do you find that you are more or less accepting of change as you grow older?
Linking up with Fancy Friday
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