How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Without Losing Your Mind
Everyone will tell you the same old tips about cleaning out your wardrobe and as you can see…there are quite a few I don’t necessarily agree with.
1. Take everything out of your closet and throw it on your bed/floor.
Don’t do this! It’ll give you a massive headache, you’ll feel overwhelmed and your bedroom will look like a bomb has just gone off. Also if you husband is home he will see all of your clothes and promptly declare that you should be banned from shopping for life.
I suggest if you have a larger wardrobe to do it in steps. One day tackle just the pants…the next day the tops and so on. Divide and conquer.
2. Make three four piles.
One for consignment/ebay, one for donation, one for keeping and one for your pug to lay in. Okay, some of you might have that fourth pile for the cat or a baby…whatever works for you.
3. Try on each item.
Yes! This is necessary. You can’t tell what it really looks like on the hanger. That is why you need to tackle this in increments. Trying on clothes is exhausting. Make sure you have plenty of refreshments and someone to rub your shoulders nearby. And by refreshments I mean martinis and by someone I mean this guy…

sans wifey of course.
4. Assess yourself in a full length mirror in well lit natural light.
Nothing looks good in crap lighting. Give your clothes and your self esteem a fighting chance.
5. If you find something you haven’t worn in over a year you shouldn’t keep it.
BS! Some years I get invited out to more fancy dinners than others. Some years I do more travelling than others. I still need to keep those dresses/skirts/tops “just in case!” For a few years we didn’t have a winter holiday but I’m very happy I didn’t toss out my bathing suit because of I hadn’t worn it in over a year! I’m prepared for most every occasion should they arise in the future. I call this “closet half full” thinking. Like a boy scout, I’m always prepared.
6. If something no longer fits, get rid of it.
If your weight has been stable for the last 10 years…go for it. My weight fluctuates depending on the time of the month, what is on Netflix and how miserable our weather has been. If it is vastly too large or too small (I’d say more than 2 sizes) and you don’t plan on getting it altered…then okay, fine…out it goes.
7. If it no longer suits your style get rid of it.
I don’t like this rule either. Like my weight my style also changes from year to year and sometimes even from season to season. I’ll rediscover an old item and fall in love with it all over again. Especially if they are great timeless pieces that touch your heart, think twice before you toss it. I’ve done this before thinking I was doing myself a favour only to wind up endlessly searching for a replacement piece. #closetregret
If you really love the piece…keep it!
8. If you don’t like the item anymore toss it.
If you try it on and wonder what drug cocktail you were on to make you purchase such a hideous item by all means, get rid of it.
We all have moments of weakness when we think we’ll look good wearing something like this, “Piñata neckless-head-dress” aka “toilet bowl cleaner dress”.

Or maybe we thought, “If Lady Gaga Can Wear It So Can I.”

I think that dress would be brilliant at a crowded event. Those shoulders would act like your own personal forcefield.
9. If you wonder to yourself, “Does this look too young/too old for me?” toss it.
I think the question you need to ask yourself should be rephrased to, “Does this look like me?“ If it does…keep it! If it looks like “that other blogger” the kid next door or Lady Gaga, maybe reconsider, cause there is only one Lady Gaga and only one you, and that’s a good thing.
10. If the item is damaged, in any way, get rid of it.
If you have no intention of taking it to the tailor or fixing it…yeah…it shouldn’t be taking up valuable closet real estate. I find when I do clean my closet that it motivates me to get out my needle and thread and get those repairs done. I plan on stitching up my favourite jeans for as long as those threads will hold together.
This was me a few weeks ago when I started cleaning out my wardrobe…
as I hadn’t worn that sweater in over a year. Like I wrote, their is no expiry date on my clothes.

All I had to do what look at it with fresh eyes, try it on with something different and now I’ve worn it twice in the last month.
Also fringe is in!
Do you have any special closet cleaning tips you’d like to share?
If you enjoyed this you might like my post about closet organization tips or my jewellery organizing solution.
Linking up with Passion 4 Fashion Fun Fashion Friday
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