I don’t know of any store that is as fun as shopping my closet.
It is stocked with one-of-a-kind vintage pieces and eclectic thrifted items I love.
Shopping My Closet
The starting block for this outfit was my thrifted jungle cats top.

I need to switch over my closet from winter to summer.
We finally have some seasonally appropriate weather after a less than stellar, abnormally cool and rainy spring.
I’m not looking forward to the annual closet switchover. Although it is a great opportunity to reacquaint myself with my summer pieces it is time consuming and exhausting.
I would be switching out this task with one of my girlfriends if they lived closer. Imagine how fun it would be going through your friend’s closet!
One item carefully folded and put away for winter, two items “accidentally” placed into my bag. Woops! How did that happen? ; P
My friends would wind up with a much more spacious closet once I got through. Mind you, that might require me losing about six dress sizes.
Not happening.
We just returned from a little trip to Houston.
It was interesting as I’d never visited before. I’d been to Texas before, just not Houston. I used to visit Dallas regularly for wholesale trade shows when I was a scrapbooking supplies manufacturer.
Houston is in a whole other climate zone from Dallas.
It was 35 – 40 C daily with the humidex. Those temperatures are not outdoor activity friendly. The air was so dense I felt like I was stepping on it. I’d melt when we walked outside. Every time we’d step inside the air conditioning was so high we could almost see our breath. WHY? This environmentally unfriendly practice needs to stop. People shouldn’t be forced to carry coats with them for when they go indoors.
We stayed cool outdoors by eating lots of ice cream.
It was such a sacrifice! My favorite was Sweet Bribery in Houston Heights, artisanal ice cream at its very best.
There were lots of beautiful parks, museums and art galleries to visit.
We enjoyed our hotel, ZaZa which was located in the Museum District and within walking distance from almost all the museums and galleries. This isn’t a sponsored post. I’m just sharing what I liked.
Did you recognize Zoltar from Big?
All clothing I wore had relaxed waists and were either cotton , silk or linen.
I don’t bother with makeup other than lipstick when I’m on vacation. It would have melted off my face immediately anyhow.
If you are a fan of outdoor mural art Houston has loads.
Pug Alert!
I knew we had to stop by this mural located outside a veterinary office.
Of course Houston is known for The Space Center which didn’t disappoint even if there were thousands of children there. (That is NOT an exaggeration! The school buses were lined up for miles!)
We also visited a very unique store called The Wilde Collection. That is where the freaky skeleton photo above came from.
Thrifting & Vintage In Houston
I tried to thrift in Houston but had very little luck. This may be due to the large number of vintage resellers in the area. Visiting some of the vintage shops was a real treat. It would have been rude to leave empty handed so being the polite Canadian that I am, (ha ha!) I did my part and bought some choice vintage pieces I’ll share with you soon.
Houston Drivers
Aside from the steamy hot, humid weather the other item of note about Houston is the drivers…who were, um, let’s just say, INSANE!!! Ah, yeah. I’ve seen drivers in Italy, Hong Kong, the UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany and in many other states as well as all of Canada and I think that the drivers in Houston may need a special category unto themselves. Not enough space to pass on the freeway? They’ll just move diagonally through the lanes. Did you almost miss your turn off? Never mind…they’ll back up on the freeway. They like to use their horns often, even on pedestrians that are crossing at a crosswalk!
This is what I have to say to the person that was honking while we scurried across the crosswalk…
“Don’t make me get my claws out!”
Have you ever been to Houston?
Linking up with Visible Monday, Turning Heads Tuesday, Fancy Friday, and Spy Girl
Shopping YOUR closet is a dream come true! Please, let me be the friend standing there as you say “no” to any of your gorgeous pieces. You look fab here in this one-of-a-kind blouse and awesome booties.
I did warn you Houston was humid, but you have to experience it to believe it. You can be drenched in ten minutes! Glad to hear you did score a couple of vintage treasures. And that’s a wonderful pic of you and your handsome guy. I cannot wait to see you soon, xox.
It was as humid as you suggested Patti. I don’t think that it was worse than New Orleans. They aren’t too far apart. Florida can be like that too. Not sure if it’s like that where you live. Good thing you like your natural curls!
I’m looking forward to seeing you as well!
I’ve never been to Texas and when I heard of your trip to Houston, I was hoping you’d blog about it. So glad you did. The post is informative, entertaining and colorful. Like you!
BTW, I’d kill to shrink down to your size and share clothes with you.
I don’t know how informative I am…but I sure do like to share my opinion! LOL
Great print top!! Your Houston trip looks so fun. I can’t wait to see your vintage goodies!
I found a vintage wholesaler which was pretty darn cool. They sold by weight so I have some pieces I will be able to sell in my shop.
What a fun trip…I bet the weather was WAY DIFFERENT than you’re used to but the ice cream is the right way to go!! My husband would totally agree!!
I’m still trying not to switch out closets for seasons but that means I need to stop accumulating…that’s the problem. Because deep down I must be Canadian. I want to be nice and support the small stores and thrift places!!
I think that many Americans would be surprised to know that Quebec and southern Ontario can get terribly hot and humid in the summer. Last summer it was filled with 35-40 C days (over 100 F) with the humidex. Most Americans don’t realize just how far down Ontario dips. It is further south than eight states. Montreal and Toronto get hot humid weather just like NYC in the summer months.
Now it all makes sense Jodie…I like you because secretly you’re Canadian! LOL
nope – and i guess i never will…..
but the city looks very cool in your pics. humid climate always takes the best of me – esp. if there is to much air con – the change is to much for my system.
love the yellow with white – its such a chic combination!
The air con is a serious problem. I don’t understand why it is on so high. People get sick like that.
they can make a lot of money with sick people……
Oh poor thing! That you had to eat ice cream!
😂😂😂😂I just got back from a holiday too. I love how relaxed I am then. Why can’t it be like that all of the time. And although I changed my winter and summer clothes weeks ago, I still am wearing sweaters. Unbelievable!!
Sounds like you had another great vacation Nancy. I agree…it’d be wonderful to have that vacation feeling all year round although we might not appreciate it as much.
I would love to shop your closet, Suzanne! I loved your outfit. I haven’t seen white lace tights in a very time and I loved how they went so well with that lovely top and yellow skirt. Fab jacket, too!
I’ve never been to Houston and if it’s hot, heavy and humid, I probably never will. I cannot cope with that type of heat. You looked very cool in your photos; especially in the gingham dress and sandals but in the one where you’re beside water I could tell how hot you were!
The pug art was brilliant!
Have a great week.
We had been walking lots in the park that day when the photo was taken and I was seriously burning up. I think you can see all the sweat on my forehead.
I love your yellow outfit, especially with the claws out! Hahaha!! Good one.
I’ve never been to Houston. The heat and humidity would not be my friend – I’m a wuss. You got lots of great photos, and I know how the ice cream must have been a hardship. I didn’t know that about Houston drivers. Hahaha! Maybe they get pre-training in Vancouver?
Oh, if you want help with your closet, I’m your gal. I’ll just need a find a few steamer trunks before I come. Heh.
Believe me, Vancouver drivers are very polite and relaxed compared to Houston. Even the people that live there agreed that the drivers are a bit insane.
I just love your sunshine yellow outfit, Suzanne. Those tights are actually my favorite part! I am always on the lookout for fun tights.
Houston is the muggiest of muggy. When I was growing up near Dallas, AC stood for “Arctic Chill,” especially inside schools and businesses. (Although, none of the schools I went to had AC until I got to high school!) I never thought about it until we hosted a German exchange student and she caught a cold from the dramatic changes in temps from outside to in. On my recent visit to Omaha, I noticed businesses did the same thing there. I suppose it’s to chill out the humidity? But I no longer find it refreshing. It’s too cold!
You really did hit some fabulous hot spots–no pun intended–during your visit. My experience of Houston is limited. I’ve visited friends there but never tootled around to see the sites. I don’t know if I ever will make it there but I feel content living vicariously through your fab photos.
Arctic Chill is a great way of putting that!
Jungle cats – oh yeah! What a fabulous print.
I’ve only been to the States once and that was a very chilly Boston in January. I know several British vintage traders who visit Houston regularly and get some great stuff although I get annoyed when they hashtag their stock photos on IG as #sustainablefashion – how can flying thousands of miles to shop possibly be sustainable?
How fab are your holiday photos and I love the one of you and Robert. The humidity sounds on par with pre-monsoon India when we used to go in April. Totally with you on the loose fitting cotton clothing and the lack of make-up. I’m impressed with how good your hair looks, mine used to go like seaweed, it was wet for the entire duration and the only solution was a topknot! xxx
The one day when I wore a hat the top of my head it was wet with perspiration. Sexy right? LOL
That is interesting about people flying to Houston to buy vintage. I did find a place where they sold it by the pound and I picked up some pieces to resell from that shop. Lots of the stores were selling 90’s stuff which I have a difficult time considering vintage.
I love shopping my closet, but wouldn’t mind shopping yours, Suzanne 🙂 If only we lived closer to each other! I love that yellow skirt, I’ve been looking for the perfect one for ages. Those tights are pretty fabulous too! m glad I’ve finished my swap over, as it is indeed a mammoth task. Houston looks like a fabulous place, but 35 – 40 C with the humidex would be too much for me. At least you got the chance to wear some of your Summer clothes. Not sure when we’ll be able to do that here. xxx
I agree and wonder if I should even be switching over my closet just yet. The weekend was beautiful but today and tomorrow the weather is rainy and cool. Like Goldilocks And The Three Bears I enjoy temperatures that are moderate, not too cold and not too hot. I also find it is easiest to dress in moderate temps.
One bonus with the hot and muggy weather in Houston was that I could no longer tell if I was having a hot flash! LOL I was hot all the time.
The weather has become ominously wonky and it seems each state (and territory?) is having some version of atypical weather.
Your visit to Houston looks successful and what you’ve shared makes the city more intriguing. Heat and humidity are just icky. You and Robert look chic despite the threat of melting.
mwhaha, I can imagine myself raiding some friends closets too!! ;DD
And your closet is highly covetable even if I’d have to shrink myself four sizes to fit in your clothes!
Houston looks like a colorful and lively place, despite the weather. Love all the street art!. And you look comfy and cool in your cotton dresses, very summery!. Not a huge fan of heat, but I can manage it if the conditions are not that extreme, humidity makes the whole thing worse!
I’ve driven THROUGH Houston a couple of times — I think it was rush hour both times. Or maybe, like LA, Houston has rush hour 24/7. I’ve been to the airport on layovers. But I don’t think I’ve ever visited Houston proper.
There are many parts of Texas that I really like, some more for art inspiration than anything cultural. I think you’d enjoy Austin. The Savers are AMAZING there (or were in 2011. Ha). I got my vintage turquoise and red kimono fabric that I sewed into a tunic at a vintage consignment place on South Congress. Not sure if it’s still there. Sadly, Austin is now a tech hub, lots of new residents, rents are skyrocketing, and the funky stores and clubs can’t make it.
Thanks for linking up! Happy June!
I’ve been to Austin in Texas but never Houston. It sounds sweaty! Love the floral floaty number you wore. I too dress for such weather with loose silk or cotton and skip the makeup.
So glad you could go away for a few days. Never would have thought that drivers in Houston would be the worst in the world. I thought Rome or Paris held that record.
I saw you were still wearing tights and a jacket so I guess the temperatures in Canada are a lot less than Houston.
I still love that black and white checked maxi dress.
We are experiencing the coldest spring I can remember right now in Toronto. Very weird. Last year at this time it was almost 30 C daily.