A sincere thank you to each and every person that left a comment on my last blog post. It touched my heart.
I am grateful to those of you that took the time to share some of yourself with me. Kind words can make a difference in someone else’s life.
Everyone has their own scars and challenges to overcome and accept. When it felt like the earth was moving out from under me your words made a difference to me.
Thank you.
Let’s move onto some light and frivolous thoughts shall we?
What’s Your Secret Splurge?
Do you ever feel guilty about splurging on something for yourself?

I had a discussion with some friends recently and they all agreed that they sometimes feel guilty about splurging on themselves. One example brought up was expensive clothing or shoes. We traced some of this guilt back to how and when the women were raised. In past eras it was deemed selfish to be extravagant and overspend on yourself. I know it’s hard to believe given today’s obsession with over consumption and the masses of enablers we encounter on social media.
My Secret Splurge(s)

Lash Extensions & Hair Care
Two of my splurges that make my life easier are lash extensions and professional hair care.
When I was blond I sometimes streaked my own hair (with the help of a willing friend) and it turned out okay.
When I went red I tried dying my own hair once, that’s all it took to realize it wasn’t a good idea. I had to spend loads of cash having that catastrophe fixed by a professional.

Lash extensions are the only way people can see I have lashes as my eyes are too sensitive for mascara and my lashes are so blond they are invisible.

I don’t spend money on makeup, nails or personal care products. The makeup I wear is probably five years old, or older! (eek!) and from the drug store.
Comfortable Footwear
I sometimes choose to splurge on comfortable, stylish footwear. If I can find them secondhand it’s even better but it’s not always possible and the older I get the more I’m aware that when my feet aren’t happy I’m miserable.

I don’t splurge on clothing anymore.
Everything I buy is secondhand.
Apart from underwear and socks.
Choosing to shop secondhand aligns with my personal values and helps save our world. Small choices can add up to big changes. Every little bit counts.

None of my friends or family live within driving distance and my husband lived overseas for the last two years. Travel at that time was a necessity rather than a splurge.
Travel is a priority splurge for me now.
The older I get the more I value experiences and sharing moments with family and friends over things.

Have your values changed as you age?
What’s your secret splurge(s)?
Do you ever feel guilty when you treat yourself? If so, why?

Linking up with Visible Monday, Turning Heads Tuesday, Fancy Friday, and Spy Girl
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