When my feet aren’t happy I’m not happy, I’m miserable. Fashionable shoes are a bit of an obsession for me. I’m always looking for the Holy Grail of shoes, something that is stylish and comfortable. They are so rare! Just because I’m over forty, okay, fifty, doesn’t mean I want to wear nursing shoes. Why does practical and comfortable equate to ugly and frumpy when it comes to women’s shoes?
We can put a man on the moon but we cannot make stylish comfortable shoes?

I’ve been on a quest for my top ten comfortable stylish shoes for mature feet and I’ve found some that are both fashionable and functional that I’m excited to share with you.
#1 Clarks
Let’s go to my standby just because I happen to own three pairs of their shoes that I love, Clarks.
Yes, I know that many people will say that these aren’t fashionable enough but I really love mine. They seem to go with everything I own and do not look like Granny shoes. Their wedges are my favourites.
Most often these are the shoes I take when I travel and know that I need to be walking day in and day out. I can do a full eight hours in these shoes without fear of blisters or searing pain.
#2 Spring Step Shoes
I haven’t tried these out yet, but I’m dying to. They all look like they would be very comfortable and they are quirky and fun. Right up my ally. They have a very large selection with bright bold colours and designs. I’ve bookmarked this site for future online spending.
#3 Antelope
Sylvia from 40+style loves these shoes and I loved them on her. They have wonderful creative designs that tempt me and my toes.
#4 Remix Vintage
Whenever you see shoes that are made for dancing you know they are comfortable. These are vintage reproductions that are made for swing dancers. Almost all of the shoes on this website make me drool. As a vintage lover these would go with so many pieces in my wardrobe.
#5 Miz Mooz
I do find that Miz Mooz can be hit and miss as far as extreme comfort goes, but I’m including them because their style is always dead on. I have one pair of Miz Mooz that I can dance in for hours without any worry. Another pair of Miz Mooz make my toes scream after about twenty minutes. One thing I can tell you for sure, if the shoe pinches a bit in store, or the clerk tries to tell you they will stretch out, DON’T BUY THEM! 99% of the time this doesn’t work. Pain in the store means pain a hundredfold when you wear them.
The ones I’m wearing here are the shoes I can dance in all night long by Miz Mooz.
#6 Fly
I bought my first pair of Fly shoes this year but I’ve had my eyes on them for years. Loads of mature bloggers swear by them. Their style is a bit more avant guard and clunky. So far, mine have been very comfortable.
#7 Aravon
I hadn’t heard of these but see that quite a few people love them. One would assume that a company such as New Balance should know a thing or two about making a comfortable shoe.
#8 Jose Saenz
I found a pair of these while thrift shopping and fell in head over heels in love. They don’t pinch, they have loads of room in the toe bed and they are fun, bold and colourful. I adore them. I cannot wait to wear them more this fall.
#9 Thierry Rabotin
I’ve seen these in some swanky stores. They look amazing. They are out of my price range, but can one really put a price on pain free footware?
#10 Fidji
I bought a pair of these when we were in Seattle ages ago. They fit like gloves. The heel is only 2″. I find that anywhere between a one or two inch heel is just perfect for me. I was attracted to the unique designs and high quality of workmanship.
That’s it for my top ten comfortable stylish shoes for mature feet.
What are your favourite comfortable stylish shoes? Please share! Everyone deserves stylish comfortable shoes, no matter their age.
Linking up with Your Whims Wednesdays, What I Wore, Throw Back Thursdays
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