You've heard of stage Moms? The ones that push their kids into acting, modeling etc? I'm one of them. Today I took my baby to her first photo shoot. Zoe did great. She loved the excitement of the drive into Toronto, meeting other pugs and then having someone feed her a bunch of strange but yummy treats while she showed off her best modeling moves.
All the excitement disrupted her normal schedule and she reacted by throwing up twice during the shoot. Ooops. Amanda the lovely calm sweet photographer/blogger from The Daily Puglet confidently told me she just thought Zoe was a bulimic type model, keeping her girlish figure for the photos by throwing up all the treats she had ingested as well as her breakfast. Thankfully none of the sickie part was caught on camera and she finished like the true professional model that she is, sitting pretty and looking good.
On the way home Zoe was exhausted and tried desperately to stay awake but you can see her sitting here and falling asleep. She's been napping most of the day now after all that hard work.
She is going to be in the book 1000 Pugs. Yes, I'm a proud mamma! Don't judge. Us "pug parents" are different than the rest of you.