How do you style vintage skirts contemporary? The easiest way is combining them with more modern pieces.
All of the pieces here are contemporary even if the handbag and glasses are reproductions of vintage pieces.
This outfit might have more of a retro vibe than most people like, but it is “just right” for me.
Every time I get out this embroidered estate sale skirt from Italy I’m delighted by the quality and details. It is just one of those pieces that makes me feel ultra feminine.

I truly cannot decide about this top. On one hand I love it because I think the shape is very flattering and it goes with a million different things in my closet. On the other hand it shows lots of skin and has a massive keyhole directing the eyes right to my newest smattering of unwelcome age spots, which I keep trying to tell myself are just very large freckles.
There is also a little bit of boobage overflow at the underarms and of course some cleavage.
This is one of the very rare pieces in my closet that I paid full price for at Anthropologie.
I keep putting it in the consignment store pile and then taking it out again depending on my mood and level of self confidence.
For the moment I think it is staying with me. There is no chance of a wardrobe malfunction because it fits like a glove. I have thought briefly about stitching some sheer fabric behind the keyhole. I can’t decide if that would just look tacky and cheap or ladylike and fancy. There is such a fine line between the two (wink).
8 Ways To Style Vintage Skirts
Here are some other ways I’ve styled my vintage skirts with a contemporary twist.

Do you have pieces in your closet that you keep changing your mind about?
Linking up with Visible Monday, I Will Wear What I Like, Turning Heads Tuesdays
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