Is This Age Appropriate?
I’m a sucker. What can I say? I fall for my Polyvore sets every time.
You may remember this…

And yeah, I know due to the graphics on this super short dress/tunic (whatever you want to call it) it skews drastically younger than I am and by many would not be considered age appropriate.
BUT it doesn’t bother me. In fact I’ve had several compliments when I’ve worn this which is often because it is so comfortable and the perfect length for any of my winter coats.
“OK – so we’re told to buy lots of crap to stop us looking old – but then not to try to look like we’re trying too hard to look young. And we can’t wear this or that just in case someone doesn’t like it or laughs. Does the world end if we don’t follow/subscribe to the ‘rules’? No – but you will TERRIFY some folks who want you to stop rocking the boat.”
Doesn’t that sum up all the fuss about “age appropriate dressing” brilliantly?
This whole idea about trying too hard to look or dress young is nonsense. You wear what you want, I’ll wear what I want. Simple.
We don’t need to criticize each other’s choices as I’ve recently heard some 50+ women doing. What purpose does that serve?
They claim they are simply helping the unhappy misguided women to see their “issues” in the same way that I would like someone to tell me when I have spinach on my teeth.
BUT (and this is important ladies!) it isn’t the same thing at all.
Style is personal. Style is subjective. Style is in the eye of the beholder.
There is no Style God out there that chooses what is right or what is wrong, no matter your age. (Sorry Tim Gund!)
I personally think it is fabulous that we all don’t choose to dress in the same clothing. Imagine how boring the world would be. So many bloggers already look like clones.
It is true I don’t dress to blend in. I dress to stand out. That is my perogative.
For the other women that choose to blend in, or dress like sister wives all the power to you.
I’m not going to claim the reason you choose to do this is because you are unhappy. That would be arrogant. Every person is an individual and has their own reasons for their own style choices. Suggesting otherwise is presumptuous.
You have the right to choose whatever you want. It’s your body, and a reflection of yourself, dress it as you wish. In doing so, you will project your own personal flavour and style stamp. It will represent no one but you.
Don’t believe people that try to discourage you. It’s not their place to do so.
They are simply different from you.
Accepting and rejoicing in our differences is the way to style harmony and happiness no matter our age.
My friend Melanie also had a few choice words to say on this subject.
Do you find you often judge other women bases on their style choices?
Linking up with Hat Attack, Your Whims Wednesday, The Pleated Poppy, Throw Back Thursday
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