Is This Age Appropriate?
I’m a sucker. What can I say? I fall for my Polyvore sets every time.
You may remember this…
And yeah, I know due to the graphics on this super short dress/tunic (whatever you want to call it) it skews drastically younger than I am and by many would not be considered age appropriate.
BUT it doesn’t bother me. In fact I’ve had several compliments when I’ve worn this which is often because it is so comfortable and the perfect length for any of my winter coats.
“OK – so we’re told to buy lots of crap to stop us looking old – but then not to try to look like we’re trying too hard to look young. And we can’t wear this or that just in case someone doesn’t like it or laughs. Does the world end if we don’t follow/subscribe to the ‘rules’? No – but you will TERRIFY some folks who want you to stop rocking the boat.”
Doesn’t that sum up all the fuss about “age appropriate dressing” brilliantly?
This whole idea about trying too hard to look or dress young is nonsense. You wear what you want, I’ll wear what I want. Simple.
We don’t need to criticize each other’s choices as I’ve recently heard some 50+ women doing. What purpose does that serve?
They claim they are simply helping the unhappy misguided women to see their “issues” in the same way that I would like someone to tell me when I have spinach on my teeth.
BUT (and this is important ladies!) it isn’t the same thing at all.
Style is personal. Style is subjective. Style is in the eye of the beholder.
There is no Style God out there that chooses what is right or what is wrong, no matter your age. (Sorry Tim Gund!)
I personally think it is fabulous that we all don’t choose to dress in the same clothing. Imagine how boring the world would be. So many bloggers already look like clones.
It is true I don’t dress to blend in. I dress to stand out. That is my perogative.
For the other women that choose to blend in, or dress like sister wives all the power to you.
I’m not going to claim the reason you choose to do this is because you are unhappy. That would be arrogant. Every person is an individual and has their own reasons for their own style choices. Suggesting otherwise is presumptuous.
You have the right to choose whatever you want. It’s your body, and a reflection of yourself, dress it as you wish. In doing so, you will project your own personal flavour and style stamp. It will represent no one but you.
Don’t believe people that try to discourage you. It’s not their place to do so.
They are simply different from you.
Accepting and rejoicing in our differences is the way to style harmony and happiness no matter our age.
My friend Melanie also had a few choice words to say on this subject.
Do you find you often judge other women bases on their style choices?
Linking up with Hat Attack, Your Whims Wednesday, The Pleated Poppy, Throw Back Thursday
Charlie says
I can’t believe we have to keep having this conversation! Why exactly do people care what we do? I don’t understand. I read a blog the other day where a twenty nine year old turned thirty and advised of all the things she would need to remove from her closet as a result. I was shouting at my screen – ‘it’s only one day different!’ Admittedly, those things she was removing from her closet are still in mine, and it sure is more than one day since I made that same enormous age leap in my life. Who cares? The good thing about being older, is that we realise it’s all a ruse. It’s about people who want to feel powerful, it’s about people who want to sell us things. We don’t have to get sucked in. You’re absolutely right – each to their own, and if you haven’t got something nice to say, don’t say it. There is all this hype about diversity, but no one actually seems to want it to actually exist. I’m ranting – sorry! I think you look awesome. Always.
suzanne carillo says
I cannot believe someone that is turning 30 is removing items from their closet. How sad.
I’m turning 50 in a couple of months and there is no way I’m going to start getting rid of items. As long as I’m feeling it, I’m wearing it.
Tiina L says
It’s not that a particular item of clothing appropriate or not, we just wear it differently at different ages. Yes, your outfit is totally age-aporopriate. And no doubt you can wear a tunic in 20 years’ time, too, but you will probably style it differently. We grow as people, our style evolves too.
suzanne carillo says
I agree that our personal experiences shape the people we are which is hopefully represented through our clothing choices.
Jodie filogomo says
Have you seen the commercial for android—the message is to be together, not the same? (I think there are a couple, but I love the piano one especially).
This is it in a nutshell—we’d be all so everlasting boring if we all were the same—and that definitely includes how we dress!
Your outfit is fabulous…and I’d never think it wasn’t appropriate (maybe because I wore something like it the other day–ha ha).
On a funnier note—what we need to address is your shopping addiction (like I can talk)!!!
suzanne carillo says
I seriously need the name of a good clothing detox centre. I just binged at a vintage clothing show on the weekend.
I really LOVED those commercials!
Andrea@WellnessNotes says
I love this dress/tunic! So much so that I clicked through, but sadly it’s not available anymore… 🙁 It looks fabulous on you!
I find it interesting that people comment on what is right for others. Style and choosing what to wear is such a personal decision. If I want your opinion, I’ll ask (and then hope you’ll be honest!). But if I don’t ask, I don’t think it’s appropriate to tell me what I should or shouldn’t wear…
suzanne carillo says
It is true…I often say to my husband, “If I want your opinion I’ll give it to you.” Ha ha!
JR says
Spot Flippin On!!!! You look AMAZING.
suzanne carillo says
Awww…thanks : )
Connie* says
Oh for crying out loud. Why is everybody asking this question? I actually love it when somebody dresses unconventionally, even if it’s “not age appropriate.” It’s more interesting that way. Do I judge people by the way they dress. Yes. I’m afraid that I do. Both men and women. Clothes tell a story. I like stories. I have a neighbor, who even though she is almost 50, still dresses the way she did when she was in high school. Sometimes people stare at her and snicker behind her back. I, too, was confused when I first met her. But she is a lovely sweet person and she has become one of my dearest friends. Unfortunately she is in a difficult marriage and struggles at her dead end job. She was happy and beautiful and popular in high school. So she dresses for her happiness. I love that about her. I also love that she somehow has access to some crazy 80’s clothes!
suzanne carillo says
Honestly this started because of a video where some prominent bloggers were calling out other women’s style and saying it was “wackadoo” or worse and it ruffled more than a few feathers.
Connie says
Where is that video? I’d love to see it.
Señora Allnut says
love that you’ve chosen to dress fabulously and stand up!, and also love your cool sixties style tunic! and your attitude!!.
Great advice: Don’t believe people that try to discourage you!!
suzanne carillo says
You are an inspiration for women that want to dress to please themselves. I love that about you.
Kezzie says
YOUR DRESS HAS A SQUIRREL AND A FOX ON?????? WHY has no one rose commented on this joyous union???!! I want it!!!!!!! You are so darn stylish!!! I adore what you wear and all power to you for standing out!
Today, I was told by a school cleaner that she thinks to herself every day, “I wonder what Kezzie is wearing today? I love your unique style.” I was so touched! Made all the nicer by the fact that two boys also complimented me on my clothes today!!!x
suzanne carillo says
Ha ha! I should have known you would also fall in love with this dress. Who doesn’t want a bunch of little woodland creatures on their dress?
That is such a wonderful compliment. I’m sure it made your day : )
Porcelina says
I’d rather be terrifying than bland 😉 What a gorgeous tunic! x
suzanne carillo says
True dat!
No Fear of Fashion says
Gorgeous. Freaking beautiful. Girl you still got it, this looks good on you. Don’t ever let anyone rain on your parade.
suzanne carillo says
I’m holding up my BS umbrella : )
No Fear of Fashion says
HappyFace313 says
🙂 The tunic is great. But I’m in love with your boots! 🙂
And I wouldn’t mind the leo tote you’re wearing in the How I Wear My: Tote series! REally cool!
Have a very HAPPY week, dear Suzanne!
xo 🙂
suzanne carillo says
That tote turned out to be a great purchase and these boots must be 15 years old. I do adore them.
Patti says
“Don’t believe people that try to discourage you. It’s not their place to do so.” AMEN and amen. And imho you look gorgeous in this dress plus boots. You’re not only a beautiful woman, you’re an artist. Do and wear what makes you happy. So many sad and serious things in life to moan about if we choose – dressing should not be one of them. xox
suzanne carillo says
I agree that dressing ourselves should be a joy and not a chore.
Katie says
I love this tunic! The woodland creatures on it make it totally adorable, but also whimsical and quirky. (I have a soft spot for anything with animals on it, especially squirrels or rabbits.) The way you styled it gives it a little bit of an edge and sophistication that makes it age appropriate. I love the idea of being able to have fun with your wardrobe at any age.
Melanie says
Criticizing this tunic would be like slapping Bambi!!
I love all your looks, including fringes head to toe. Heh. Being able to accept difference is what leads to innovation. And to peace. Yeeeeah! So you say it like it is.
I love how you make Polyvores and then buy everything in them. Hahaha!! If you buy even more, soon you’ll be making lots of money from your click-throughs. Heh. Worth it, you look gorgeous. Heck, yeah!
Thanks for the shout-out. Yes, I had some words. I was weak at a moment of weakness. 🙁
But you know what saved me! I am so lucky to have you as a friend.
suzanne carillo says
Polyvore is bad for me. I should stop using it. You are right, I’m getting paid because I’m clicking on my own choices! Like most things in life I’m doing it all backwards.
Your humour and joy inspire me daily friend! I’m very grateful.
Melanie says
Hey, those keys I typed came out as an emoticon. Cool! 🙂
Happiness at Mid Life says
I think it’s all about how you style something. If you wore this bare legs as a dress it would be fine but probably something more I know I would uncomfortable showing so much legs. It’s a great tunic and I am glad it’s in your closet!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
suzanne carillo says
I do think it has to do with personal comfort levels. I won’t be wearing this with bare legs.
Darlene Fadem says
I LOVE this on you!
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Darlene : )
Lana says
I love coming to your blog to see your unique, spot on style. Everything you wear is gorgeous. I don’t understand why people are so caught up in what others should wear. I think it’s just something to talk about. I say do your thing, and let your true self shine through!
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Lana : )
Vix says
You look fabulous, the tunic is fantastic and the hat needs to be in my wardrobe.
Are we really still having this conversation? Who keeps trotting out this “age appropriate” crap? I don’t come across any of it. Is it more rife in Canada? I deleted those bloggers who dare to dictate how women should dress ages ago, I don’t read tedious fashion magazines and only hang out with positive people with good things to say.
I say carry on being fabulous.
suzanne carillo says
No it was actually a few prominent 50+ bloggers from the US that brought it up and ruffled my feathers.
Living in Toronto there is so much diversity people are generally very accepting.
Elaine says
Oh my gah!
Honestly – I fall off my soapbox exhausted most days lol.
I too am bored with this convo – but INCENSED when I hear people getting sad or browbeaten over it.
You look beautiful in your tunicdress.
Here’s some more ancient crone philosophy – if the size on the label bothers you then cut it off – and remember, it all ends up on eBay in the end.
Elaine Monkeypaints (misguided, old, irritant)
Elaine says
Also this – an epic illustration of “Do you find you often judge other women based on their style choices?”
On one hand it makes me howl with laughter and on the other – to cry with rage. How DARE they… (there she goes again)
Melanie says
WOW!!! I had heard about Beavan but I didn’t see it until I watched this link, Elaine. My jaw dropped! I couldn’t believe it. So again, Suzanne, you say it. It’s our own decision!
Elaine says
I don’t think she gives a toss – but the side-eye and snark spoilt a nice occasion. I hadn’t realised she did the costuming for Room with a View and The Kings Speech. Here’s a lovely interview with her – I hope its all true and not made-up journalese
suzanne carillo says
Ha ha! Love the quote that it all ends up on Ebay in the end.
How the internet has shaped our world and in turn how we view ourselves.
We used to think that High School was the last time we would be judged.
Rebecca says
Yay to that post and yes to asking whether it is age-appropriate or not! Style is personal as always like you look great in this tunic!
Have a lovely weekend ahead!
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Rebecca. You set a great example.
The Style Crone says
How fortunate I am to be a part of this blogging community which supports and celebrates our sartorial choices! Spectacular post Suzanne. By the way, you are stunning in this ensemble! Love your chapeau! Thank you so much for sharing with Hat Attack!
suzanne carillo says
I truly need a hat room like yours now Judith : )
Curtise says
The tunic looks great on you – woohoo, fab legs, love!
Oh isn’t it tedious, the notion that anyone can tell someone else what they should or shouldn’t wear based on age/size/shape, etc? Like Connie, I would admit that I do make assessments of how people (men and women) dress, but that’s all – I observe, I notice, and I keep quiet if I don’t much like it, compliment them if I do. If someone directly asks for my opinion, I’ll give it, but only when asked for, otherwise who gives a shit what I think?! xxx
suzanne carillo says
Your last sentence nailed it.
Sheela Goh says
I’ll never understand the debate, the verbal fracas surrounding what’s supposedly “age-appropriate” dressing. Everyone should just wear what they fancy, yes? Seriously, it’s just clothes 🙂
p/s you look so pretty in this shift dress, Suzanne.
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Sheela : )
stylentonic says
I love this dress, you look gorgeous! xxx
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Constantinos : )
Melissa says
I like this on you, and as far as age appropriate if you wore bobby socks and sneakers I might say hey girl snap out of it. But it was like one lady commented, we may style an item differently as we age. That is they key I think, how an item is styled. As always you styled this wonderfully.
Now as for those blue suede boots in the photo, I am drooling all over my key board!!!!!!!!!!!! The little chic in me wants those boots, big sexy lovely elegant crazy good/bad girl boots! Oh how I could style thee let me count the ways…….
Hey Everybody it is freaking FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love love Fridays! Alles mag op Vrijdag! (chocolate, coffee, candy, soda, hmmmm beer, cocktails, wine-well the drinks after work….)
Sorry I had a bit of caffeine today, just set it all in google translate man…It is my Friday mantra, hey what can I say they limit my caffeine sugar intake during the week:)
suzanne carillo says
I would think you’re hyper enough without the caffeine. ; P Just a guess!
I know those boots are incredible. I did score some black leather lace up boots this weekend at the vintage clothing show that look amazing with this outfit.
Melissa says
Best thing that ever happened to me was leaving America and moving to Europe away from Dunkin Donuts drive through….
Imagine working next to a 5 foot 2 inch caffeine high Jersey girl the whole day….. It didn’t down very well in little old New England reserved atmosphere.
Here in Europe I am safe from the drive through addictions:)
Now of course I am gonna ask, we must see the new boots you scored in a post.
suzanne carillo says
How did it come about that you moved to Europe?
The boots are coming up. I will tell you they are made in Italy, black leather, lace ups with a stacked heel. Sweet!
Melissa says
Sorry for the late response… Been busy.
Welllllll hmmm, without giving complete life story on the internet in a fashion blog.
These things always involve some sort of sordid romance gone wrong. Meaning Europe made him look a lot better than he was. I kicked him to the curb and stayed here anyway, silly boy realized his errors but was too late of course, they always figure out that I mean what I say when it is too late.
Was on my own for several years in this country until I met my current love… (this one is probably a keeper)
Ah I should write a book or something…. Anyway if you find yourself in NL again we will have coffee talk, no problem, this could involve shopping also:) I live in a completely other area than Greetje but it isn’t a very big country.
(love her blog by the way)
JJ says
That tunic just made my pulse race!!! And the hat totally completes the outfit!
suzanne carillo says
I’ve gotten so many compliments on this tunic. I’m just the BEST at selling myself stuff! LOL
Kristian says
This shift dress with its bright colors and fun, eye catching details is just very perfectly you!
suzanne carillo says
Thanks Kristian : )
Debbie Stinedurf says
Okay…you had me at squirrel…there’s a freakin’ squirrel (and a fox) on that tunic! OMG…it could not be any more fabulous! Unless of course there was a honey badger. Then I’m afraid you would have to gift it to me. I love this entire outfit. And you know my thoughts on that “what you should be wearing over a certain age” bulls**t. I believe our clothing choices give the world a little hint of who we are, so while I don’t know if it’s necessarily “judging” per se, I do form thoughts or ideas based on what someone is wearing. It doesn’t determine whether or not I like them, I just think it gives a little peek into their personality. And it’s really just a snapshot, because I know that my style changes based on what I’m feeling like on a particular day. One day I might be all professional teacher lady and the next I’m a Def Leppard groupie…
Samantha says
I totally agree, Debbie! XXX
suzanne carillo says
Ha ha! If I find anything with a honey badger on it I will gift it to you ; P
I agree, we are all different people rolled into one.
Samantha says
This age-appropriate nonsense is a pet peeve of mine!
I am constantly “telling off” women I know for saying things like…
“I’m too old for that”
“It’s too young for me”
“What is in fashion for someone my age?”
etc etc.
Life is short and hard enough without adding more fun-sapping rules.
Wear your cute tunic and enjoy!
{If you find that elusive gnome and toadstool combo, please let me know}
suzanne carillo says
Ha ha! I need to take a photo of a little craft project I created under a glass dome. I have a little gnome in there and toadstools.
Samantha says
Yay ?!
Anna says
I don’t know if it’s “age appropriate” (mainly because that is a foreign concept for me hehe), but I think you wear it appropriately. 😀 You put together a beautiful outfit!
– Anna
suzanne carillo says
I love that you follow your own set of rules.
Terri Gardner says
At 65, I dare anyone to tell me what to wear. I think I can make that decision my my self. I am a retired art teacher living in a small Midwest town, so face it, I didn’t and don’t dress like anyone anyway and really didn’t and still don’t care too. So there’s my 2cents. Haha
suzanne carillo says
Thanks for commenting Terri!
Your creativity shows through your clothing choices.
Anna Parkes says
I love Connie’s comment on her friend who “dresses for her happiness “. Wouldn’t life be grand if we could all keep it so simple? Surely we’re all just doing that anyway. Well I sure as heck am.
I love this tunic dress and think your styling is faultless. My daughter gave me a tunic dress today for my mothers day present. She said she thought I could wear it with tights and brogues, but I thought it might be a bit short. Now that I’ve see you in yours I think my wise owl of a daughter is right. Now where can I get hold of a hat…?
suzanne carillo says
High five to your daughter! : )
I cannot wait to see you in yours now.
Sylvia says
Hi Suzanne, Just wanted to say hi. Have been so busy with work etc and then got the flu last week! Now going on an exciting business trip in 2 days so need to get healthy for that! Just wanted to let you know that you look fab and that I always read and enjoy your blogs even if I don’t always comment. Missing you and hope you are doing well!
suzanne carillo says
Nice to “hear” from you Sylvia! Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well.
Hope the trip goes well.
Jennifer says
“Style” and “age appropriate” is definitely in the eye of the beholder!
At our age we can wear what we damn please. As an Image Consultant, I help women learn to dress themselves, to please themselves! It may not be my style, but it’s not supposed to be. It’s supposed to please themselves.
Luckily you and I are confident enough to know how we want to look. Many women aren’t, but they’re not usually writing blogs. They’re reading them, looking for inspiration. You, Melanie and many others inspire woman who want to up their creative quotient. Bravo to you for showing them how.
There’s room and all in the blogosphere.
Theresa says
That tunic top/dress needs to be in my closet! Not only do I love novelty prints, but any print on a black background. I wouldn’t think twice about wearing this and anyone who judged me too old to wear something with a squirrel and fox on it, well I feel bad for them because of their self limiting narrow minded views.
suzanne carillo says
: P
Trina says
Amen! You already know how I feel about this. I never judge other women by their style choice, I love rejoicing in their creativity and unique styles. Wait, I might just might judge once in a while when I see women who seem to just not care. But I’m trying to be a better and much nicer person now days and consider that maybe their lives are just a bit overwhelming.
suzanne carillo says
I agree that judging anyone is a hard habit to break. I almost think we are taught to judge. Online I think it is even worse.
You are right, everyone makes their own choices for their own circumstances.
Ada says
Hi Suzanne, we have talked about this subject before (on your blog). I have gotten stares, looks as in “is she crazy” or “what is she thinking” and some bad-talking about some of my outfits. As a matter of fact it even happened last week when I wore my navy striped dress with neon pink opaque tights and my pink/orange/red plaid scarf as a poncho. But with that same token, I received some nice kind compliments with that outfit too. Sometimes I dress like a basic bitch (ha! ha!!) but often times I am bold and the pattern-lover and color-lover in me stands out. Like in today’s post I wore olive green with red. Paired a girly bow-tie blouse with an utilitarian jacket. It worked and I loved it!
With all that said I adore that gorgeous floral tunic and with the hat it is perfect. Plus it matches your beautiful floral wall. BTW, I also love those colorful patterned bins in your room. =)
I would love for you to stop by my blog and I just started a new linkup on Thursdays so welcome by and join with this outfit, tomorrow. Thank you, Ada. =)