A big thank you to the brilliant warm & funny Shawna from The Director Of Awesome for nominating me for the Sunshine Award. I just discovered her blog recently and I'm enjoy it immensely. Especially Shawna's frank sense of humour.
Since this isn't the first time I've been nominated for this type of award I'm going to cheat a bit and go straight to the blah blah about myself and skip all the other rules and regulations that came along with the award. These awards are wonderful but can be a bit like those chain letters when we were kids..they go on forever.
Ten Tid-Bits of Information About Me:
Warning: adult content
1. I'm not easily swayed and like to follow my own path. My husband calls this being stubborn.
I don't like having my photo taken while I'm eating either. That is just rude! Mexico 2008
2. I took a burlesque dance workshop a couple of weeks ago. It was lots of fun. Here is the instructor and a video she made at the class…FYI…I chose not to be in the video. I was petrified of seeing what I really looked like when I was trying to be sexy. I thought it might ruin the perception I have of myself for the rest of my life.
FYI I did perform some of the dance when I got home for hubby…he seemed to think it was quite sexy and that's what really counts.
3. I don't like the texture or taste of red meat nor am I a fan of sushi. Give me carbs, salads, veg, a tiny bit of fish, or chicken and don't leave out the dessert and I'm happy.
4. At one time I decorated cakes, was the director of a language school, managed a Fake & Bake (aka Fabutan tanning salon) and dealt out drugs (pharmacy technician) for a living.
Just a small sampling of the many jobs I've done in my life.
December 1987
Language school Quebec City 1996
5. Once while in Tunisia a man offered my then boyfriend 3 donkeys, six sheep and a camel for me. Oh the life I could have had!
Riding a camel Tunisia Oct/Nov 1987.
6. My best friend used to be my boss (at the pharmacy) but we didn't become close friends until I quit and moved far away. Now we finally live closer to each other after some 20 years of being long distance friends. It's the BEST!
Elora Ontario 2012
7. I dropped university to live and travel overseas. It was a brilliant, challenging, life-altering experience that shaped the person I am today.
1987 Pait Lodge Northern Scotland – helpers day off, from right to left, Jayne (cook), Susanna (nanny), Suzanne (maid/cook)
8. I have rosecea and my face and ears turn beet red when I drink. It is embarrassing, but it'll take a hellavalot more to make me give up drinking altogether. Proof of my redness below…it was worth it though because that Sancerre was dee-lightful!
Paris 2004
9. I decided to go to France on my own to learn French because it is the one subject I failed in my first year at university. I met my soon-to-be-husband while over there. This photo is from the first time he came to stay with me in Montpellier. He is from Nice. I wrote on the back of this photo that I hated the photo because I looked fat. I did have quite the chipmunk cheeks!
Montpellier France, March 1991
10. I'm happiest when… I'm holding a pug puppy.
Quebec City 1994-ish?
But you probably already knew that.
Were you surprised by any of these "secrets" about my life?
Or just bored?
OMG! I’m so glad I decided to browse your old posts. This one is amazing! I love seeing you in old photos. You look SOOO different with blonde hair in other styles. So different. Always cute but so different. Thanks for sharing these pics.