Just giving you a heads up that I will be away from my computer next week.
First on a little fun trip to NYC and then on a little not-so-fun trip to the OR.
For those of you not in the know that last one isn't to Oregon, it's the Operating Room.
Duh duh duuuuh.
I've been trying not to think about the impending doom operation but next week it's here and I can't plug my ears, close my eyes and hum pretending it's not going to happen anymore.
You may remember that I am scared sh**less wary of hospitals, so this is going to probably be the end of me be a big challenge for me.
The operation is to burn off the endometriosis that has attached itself to my internal organs wrecking havoc on my insides.
I know it sounds disgusting and it feels exactly like this
(only worse).
So…hopefully my Dr. manages Ripley the hell out of it
and turns it all into ashes. My dream of becoming an ashtray is finally coming true {sigh}.
I don't know how long my recovery will take but with a little luck and some really good drugs I should come out with both arms and legs still attached be back to my regular snarky self in no time.
See you on the other side!
Adrienne says
Have a great time in NYC and *try* not to worry (says a fellow worry wart who also loathes all things medical).
When you feel up to it, let us know how things went.
Sending my most positive thoughts your way!
xo, A
ariane says
Have a great time in NYC!
I’m sure you will be alright
We will think of you!
Kathleen Lisson says
Best of luck on your upcoming operation!
Happiness at Mid Life says
Enjoy your trip to NYC and hope that it’s smooth sailing for your operation and recovery!
Sue @ A Colourful Canvas says
I’ll be sending healing thoughts your way! Enjoy NYC!
Val Sparkle says
How nice you get a treat before your ordeal! And I’m only saying it’s an ordeal because you’re making it an ordeal – I’m sure it will be fine and you’ll feel so much better afterwards. Really, you will.
Charlie says
This is the start of feeling wonderful some short time afterwards. Just think of NYC for the moment and the rest will sort itself out. Will be thinking of you and anticipating your return with tales to tell. Xx
Debbie says
Well, holy crap, that sucks! Even though the intelligent adult in you knows you’ll be fine, the little kid in you is peeing her pants. I feel your pain though…I had knee surgery a few months ago and I was terrified they’d find lung cancer in the chest x-ray, I wouldn’t wake up from the anesthesia, and a million other things. And yet, here I am, your hair twin, alive and well! You will be fine and you’ll feel so much better when it’s done.
Enjoy your trip to NYC!
Debbie 🙂
Heather Lindstrom says
Hello Suzanne! I’m just catching up on my blogging friends and caught your news. First off I hope you have a wonderful trip to enjoy the later stages of summer. I’m sorry to hear about the surgery but hopefully they make it all better and pain and that sh@%
stuff will go away completely. They can work wonders for sure!
I also wanted to thank you for your kind comments on Stylemindchic. I so appreciate the love and support for sharing the not so sunny side of life sometimes. Hey, just like you are doing here (funny images by the way).
Enjoy your time away and I’ll be sending good thoughts/prayers for a speedy recovery.
xx, Heather
Arash Mazinani says
I hope your operation all goes okay, I loved the references to Alien for what it’s worth 🙂
Ashley says
Oh my gosh! I really hope your surgery goes well. I know it can be scary but I’m sure everything will be okay. I’ll be thinking of you ♥
Southern (California) Belle
Kristina C says
I hope everything goes well with the surgery. My thoughts will be with you. Take as much time off as you need, we’re not going anywhere.
Tamera says
Have a wonderful time in NYC
Praying your surgery goes well and you recuperate quickly. I’m sure your doggie-baby will take good care of you!
Jessi says
Good luck girl! I’m sure everything will be totally fine! You’ll do great 🙂
Rachel says
Oh man, well, have a happy fun trip, and hopefully you’ll come out in better condition on the other side of the not-so-fun adventure! I also detest everything medical.
Lady à la mode says
good luck, lady!! I hope you have a safe procedure and healthy recovery! love that you used those images… 🙂 have fun in NYC!
Lady à la Mode
Kristian says
Oh man! Well, have fun in NY first of all. And then know we are all thinking of you and hoping your experience in the hospital isn’t too bad. Good luck with everything!
Skye says
Lots of luck with it all – I have lots of friends, relatives and acquaintances with endo, it is a scourge, but I know how many great results they’ve had with the surgery etc.
Trina says
I shall miss seeing your cute little smile and post but best of luck, I will be thinking of you.
Red Tag Chic Los Angeles says
Have a great bloggy break Suzanne….more power always to you & will look forward to your return!