Dressing Sexy Over 50
Yes! It can be done. Forget about all that age appropriate BS. Wear whatever makes you happy and feel good about yourself. If not now, when?
Feeling sexy is a state of mind and has nothing to do with age or size.
When I feel confident about myself and my choices I feel sexy.
My exterior packaging is aging but my interior mindset doesn’t feel a day over thirty-five.
Today I’m as young as I’m ever going to be.
Sure I’d love to shed some belly fat and magically misplace my wrinkles but in the grand scheme of things those are such minor details.
A few years from now I’ll look back in disbelief wondering why I thought I needed to change a thing.
Own and appreciate yourself right now.
Tomorrow’s never promised, only yesterday’s a guarantee. Enjoy the present before it turns into a memory.
If you feel like getting your sexy on don’t hold back.

Although this outfit is not something I normally show on my blog it is definately part of me and my style. Each of us has many different elements that make up our character, it is great to give those other parts of ourselves the stage sometimes.
This outfit also feels sexy to me because it aligns with my personal values and doesn’t harm the planet. All items were purchased secondhand apart from the necklace which I made years ago.
I never knew that pleather leggings could be so comfortable. I could probably do yoga in these.
Or I could just fall on my butt which is what happened here. Doing yoga poses in heels is obviously too advanced for my beginner level skills.
No worries! My ego may have been slightly bruised but these second-skin pleather pants were perfectly fine.
Do you ever let the other parts of your personality dress you?
Do you still feel confident when you do?
Linking up with Patti for Visible Monday, Turning Heads Tuesday and Fancy Friday
Very glam and sexy! We all have different facets to our style and personality- but we don’t always let them out! I’m always saying to myself, you’ll never be younger than you are today.
If I could make that little growly noise at the back of my throat, I would, but you’re just going to have to understand that’s what I mean when I say: rawrrrrawrrrawrrrawrrr!!
This outfit is definitely sexy! Pleather leggings–who knew they were comfortable AND sexy? (Do they breathe at all? It’s not so sexy when your pleather gives you the bum sweats. ha ha!)
And THOSE BOOTS! How is it you have the world’s best selection of boots??? They were meant to go with those pants. So happy jealous of your collection.
– Sherry
These were so comfy and I didn’t sweat at all. They didn’t feel at all like the plastic faux leather I bought from H&M years back. These are by Wilfred. I need to look at the fabric contents. Must be some new space age fabric.
Yes, for a brief second I wanted to sell these mad boots but they are comfy too. Comfy enough that I thought I could do some yoga moves in them. Ha! Look how that turned out.
Your look is so confident, and sexy, and *you*. And you’re so right that we can dress as we like – the happy truth is it gets easier to be ourselves as we age. Where’s that adorable pug? xox
She was busy sleeping. ; P
Very sexy for sure. I love this outfit on You.
This is a Daenel outfit for sure. One I wouldn’t share on my blog, so folks never see unless they know me IRL. Which is odd, considering a write a style blog that encourages women to be their best selves no matter their age or weight. I definitely need to change this and showcase my sexy side too. I love this outfit on you and I think you owned the look.
Hi Suzanne,
I have followed your blog for some time now, always mean to comment and then I either get busy or the laziness kicks in!
Your post today is great and I love your look, the colors are so perfect on you.
I have often wondered how you keep your hair looking so current and healthy. I’m in my fifties and struggle at times to keep my hair longer in a style which is age appropriate and in good condition.
Any tips would be much appreciated.
Thanks for commenting Sarah! I enjoy getting to know my readers. It makes blogging more meaningful.
My hair is fine, thin and bone straight, always has been. I think people with different textures and thickness of hair encounter different challenges so I can only speak to my own.
My natural colour is blond and I went red about six years ago. I prefer the darker colour and now think that blond washes me out. The ombre was added afterwards. My stylist has become very proficient with the blond ends. She mixes up a cocktail at the sink and paints it onto the ends where it sits for about two minutes. That’s it. Then it gets rinsed out.
I get my roots touched up every 3.5 weeks and my colour touched up every 7 weeks. It’s a pain but I also get my bangs trimmed for free at the same time which keeps my cut looking fresh. Check to see if your salon gives free bang trims, it’s an easy way to keep control of your style.
I only get a full haircut 2-3 times per year.
I don’t wash my hair often, normally twice a week. I use Davines shampoo and conditioner called Minu, recommended by my stylist.
I take Silica, an oral supplement that is supposed to be good for skin and hair, also recommended by my stylist. I have no idea if it works. I’ve been taking it for about three years.
I only use a hair dryer on my hair for about four minutes. It dries very quickly and I don’t need to use anything like a flat iron because it is naturally straight.
On a normal day all I do is run a brush through my hair. I will often tie it back to work.
Finding the right hairstyle for your natural hair texture is the most important tip I can provide. It took me ages to figure out that blunt bangs and no layers works best for me.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Suzanne for all the info. Your hairstyle certainly suits you and you are lucky to have such a great stylist.
I’ve been traveling a lot this year, home is Florida but hubby and I have spent most of our time in London and Toronto.
Different climates, change of water and color touch ups in other salons has resulted in over processing and frizziness. Home now and regular stylist is on maternity leave so it will take a while to recover the condition and figure out a kinder look.
Thanks again, you have a great blog and look amazing!
Look in good in your first skin AND this second skin as well!
Wow! The miracle of sweat proof faux leather?!
wow – suzanne!!
you rock this look! and the *handmade of you* necklace is a beauty!
although my “sexy” looks completely different – but yes, if the mood strikes i still show that i´m not dead yet 😀
and of cause i have different “style personalities”. because my life has many different occasions – from business vintage elegance over old european country style to retro mountaineer to road tripping hippy……. and more. and because i chose how i dress – and not some rules/fashion dictators/a boss – i always feel confident.
Thanks for sharing this other side of yourself Suzanne. You look uber sexy and more importantly very happy in your own skin which is what it’s all about. The pants look fab and super comfy which has to be a bonus. I’m off to find my version of these to see what new ideas might come up.
Thanks for the intsta nudge about those boots. Will have to check the size, and then the bank balance…
Have a super week!
Anna x
That sentiment that today is the youngest we will be is one of my favorites. It kills me when people wait to dress certain ways or do things….enjoy today and this life!!
And sexy is perfect…we all need a little of that from time to time. I think it makes us feel alive!!
I think you often look sexy! It s a certain look. I often feel sexy, even with my tubes and all. I think it had also a lot to do with our partners! Mine makes me veel sexy!
I ll bet yours does too!!!!
I was reading Nancy’s comment and nodding in agreement. You do often look sexy, Suzanne, and you certainly do in this outfit, with the slinky pleather leggings and kinky boots! I would just look lumpy in pleather leggings, but you can certainly carry it off. I also agree with Nancy that it’s our partners who make us feel sexy. Jos certainly does! xxx
Love this sexy look, Suzanne. Love that you fell on your butt and got a great shot from it (not loving that you fell over, but love that you made it work for your photos!). To my eye, a lot of your other outfits are just as sexy as this one. It’s that sexy secret you’re keeping in your head – do tell! Hahaha!! But body-con definitely lends itself to the sexier side of dressing. Sexy sexy sexy – haven’t used that word so much in a long time. And it’s great for your SEO! Hahaha. Great post. Well said. Soon I’ll put on my puffer coat and go outside – oh so sexay!!! Hahaha.
Oh yes, you do look sexy in this. Please never stop that.
I was surprised when I read you would normally not show such an outfit on your blog. Why not? It is a great look. And I agree with you about the multiple personalities. I sure have more styles than just one. When somebody asks me my style I always reply: All Over the Place.
I love the variety.
PS you would have been proud of me today: second-hand sweater, trousers and boots.
Wise words, Suzanne, and you look fab!
I agree with Melanie that many of your outfits are just as “sexy” as this one. Sexy is all in your head anyway, and what is sexy to one person may not be to another, but you have curves and know how to dress them to their best effect, which I think reads as “sexy”. It’s not a word I consider when getting dressed but that could just be the result of years of being single 😉
Love your leggings, Suzanne. Gives you a sexy rock n roll look. Though, as others have noted, you pretty much look sexy most of the time!
A friend of mine just raved about her pleather leggings. Now I see you in yours. Must be a sign I need to get a pair!
You always look sexy, Suzanne! You radiate confidence in evertything you wear and that, to me, is extremely attractive.
Those leggings look great on you – I bought a pair of TopShop ones for £1 the other day but straight back to the charity shop they went, they were wrinkled and baggy, unlike yours!
Argh! Blogger ate my comment!
You look fantastic. It’s all about the confidence you feel when you wear what you own and even if you don’t always feel sexy you always look it! xxx
you totally rock your pleather pants and pretty booties!, sassy, elegant and cool!!
And your words are really wise!. Hurrah for sexiness!
Lookin’ good! I agree with every word you write. Also, it’s undeniable that there are some people blessed by nature with sexy good looks — and you’re one of them — so their age means nothing.
I like those booties, babe!
Mónica Sors
Way to rock those leggings. Very cool and , yes, sexy too. I think that at any age, the simple rule of cover one part and show the other.. is ok,
For example..
Wear a mini with tights and a turtleneck..
Wear a knee length dress with a plunging neckline.
Not both..
We should feel free to look desirable..
Great post, and a stunning look on you.