I recently met up with Ally from Shy Biker and Patti from Not Dead Yet Style.
I’m spilling the beans in this tell-all post with ten juicy secrets from our meet-up.
Are you ready? Patti and Ally you may need to sit down for this.
Ha ha!
Kind of…
Surprising Facts You Don’t Know About My Recent Blogger Meet-Up
#1 Boutique hotels think peeing in full view of friends is totally okay.
What is it with the glass walls in boutique hotels? If you’re going to make a bathroom with glass walls why even bother with walls? Why not just build the toilet into the side of the bed? No more getting up in the night to pee when you can just slide over to the toilet and relieve yourself without even sitting upright.
When Patti came to visit recently she stayed at The Beverly Hotel in a room the size of a large broom closet with a “bathroom” (I use that term lightly) with glass walls. When I needed to borrow her toilet both Patti and Ally had to casually hang out in the minuscule hallway while I did my business. Who came up with that brilliant idea? An exhibitionist?
#2 Patti is the therapist whisperer.
Having been a psychotherapist for 20 years (now retired) Patti is an ace at reading facial nuances, verbal inflections and picking up any slip-of-the-tongue or other clues that would have left Sherlock scratching his head. If you are a spy trying to conceal some top secret information do not hang out with Patti. Before the evening is over she will know every secret about your country, your life, your families lives and every person you’ve ever met.
#3 It is possible to just eat a bite of dessert or none at all.
As a foodie and dessert obsessed freak I was amazed to see that Ally didn’t eat dessert and Patti only had one bite of whatever I ordered. I’ve never witnessed this kind of self control! I was most certainly the weak link.
#4 Just because you love something doesn’t mean you need to buy it.
I love to put together Polyvore sets of clothing pieces I adore online, inevitably though I wind up selling myself those pieces.
I almost always buy any vintage pieces that I love because I figure I’ll never come across them again.
Patti patiently explained that we can admire and adore certain items but we don’t always need to own them to enjoy them. This is like not having your cake and not eating it too! Rather you just admire it from across the room and hope someone else enjoys scarfing it down. I may will have to meditate on this one for a while.
#5 Trying something new is a good idea.
I’d never taken the new Toronto streetcars before. With some help from a kind and slightly off kilter stranger explaining how to purchase tickets I was able to show Ally and Patti that taking public transport can be just as weird, haphazard and freaky in Toronto as it is in NYC.
#6 Rediscover where you live.
I visited some neighbourhoods that were new to me and I discovered vintage stores I never knew existed, like this one called Flash Back where I tried on the pieces above. It was great being a tourist in my own city, even if that did make me a rather lame tour guide. Now I have a whole bunch of new vintage stores to tempt me. I feel like this may be in direct conflict with #4.
#7 Toronto traffic is unpredictable and horrendous.
I was late by 90 minutes for dinner the first night. Ally rode some 12 hours via motorcycle and Patti flew in but I couldn’t make the commute from Mississauga to downtown Toronto on time. What would normally take me 25 minutes took 2.5 hours. Not cool.
#8 I edit most of the swear words out of my blog.
Yes, I have been known to pepper my language with colourful swear words. I am not as gifted as Selina Meyer on Veep but I can hold my own in a seedy truck stop if needed. I think Patti and Ally were a tad shocked by this. I credit my husband for teaching me the finer nuances of colloquial swearing.
#9 Patti made a pact with the Devil.
Either that or she has a portrait hidden away in some attic that looks 61 because she doesn’t look a day over 45, and since I got a sneak peek while we were thrift shopping I can tell you that her body doesn’t look a day over 35. In fact, I don’t think my body looked that hot when I was 25. All I can say is, I want what she is having.
#10 We need to continue to challenge ourselves as we age.
Patti mentioned that travelling on her own to another country challenged her to step up and outside of her regular comfort zone. Ally mentioned that making the very long motorcycle trip solo was a physical and mental challenge for someone in their very late 40’s (okay, late 50’s). I was stressed about making the trip into Toronto daily during the rush hour and hoping not to be horrendously late, have an accident or never find parking. Turns out we all managed just fine on our own. Sometimes our brains become too comfortable and relaxed in the same old routine. Creating new challenges and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone keeps us mentally vibrant and energized.
Did any of these facts surprise you? If so, which one?
Thanks for this fab post. It’s great to have a personal insight to these bloggers who we thought we knew, and now love all the more. I’m with Patti on the challenge of travelling on her own. I love to push myself out of my comfort zone in this way too and think it can be very empowering. Thanks for sharing x
These are all so true, especially the last one. We need challenges to add adventure to our lives. 98% of the time we do something brave, it turns out well — and when it doesn’t, it gives us great stories to tell. I loved spending time with you and Patti in a new city — in a foreign country, for gosh sake! No regrets. Except for maybe your swearing… Geez, I thought you were a sailor! 🙂
Ha ha. Sorry about that. I’m sure your sensitive ears are still burning. I should come with my own censoring device. ; P
As a biker, I hang out with a rough crowd. You fit right in!
Ha! Remember though, I didn’t swear this much in Vancouver or the first time we met in NYC. All that sitting in traffic turned into swear words.
I never heard you swear that much. So you were either very relaxed when I met you. Or I am so used to swearwords, I don’t notice it haha.
LOL at your swearing! I think you do it artfully and with feeling. thanks for these kind comments, and for “outing” us all so nicely on our idiosyncrasies. The bathroom story is one I shall remember for all ages. xox
I wonder how often they have people just “hanging out” in the hallway?
It’s not just the events that make me laugh Suzanne—it’s really how you present them!
I think the #4 is good for all of us—I’m not sure why it’s so hard to not shop (we should ask Patti), but it is!
But you are so right about the challenging ourselves—it’s so much easier feel secure in our surroundings and events, but how does that make us grow?
As for your sailor talk, I feel like that’s just a habit. I used to swear quite a bit—from the male influences in dental school, but I certainly quit that once I was working with patients. Could you imagine their surprise if I was swearing? Talk about funny!
It is a habit for sure.
Honestly it is something I can turn off for the most part.
I am worse after being frustrated and stuck in traffic for hours on end.
Ha ha! Yeah if my dentist said, “Oh shit!” it’d worry me ; P
Now when people meet me I’ll feel a need to swear just so I don’t disappoint them! LOL
Funny, but I don’t remember you swearing much during our get togethers. I think Patti and Ally, being as rough and tough as they are, have had a bad influence on you…hahahaha.
I love #4. Seriously. I am going to try and practice Patti’s teachings.
And the last one. So. So. True. I definitely need/want to consciously create new challenges for myself. I think learning and having new experiences keeps you, if not young, present and engaged in life! It’s so easy to fall into routine…ask me how I know.
I don’t think you purchased either of those garments…
I thought the same about Ally and Patti! Ha ha! NOT. I think my language was extra colourful due to the amount of time I spent in traffic.
Ha! You’re wrong Sue! I purchased one. I need to get photos : )
I wish I had been there! You ladies must have had so much fun. I’ve never been to Toronto. And despite what you say about the traffic, I’d still love to visit someday, especially now that I know there are vintage stores. Ummmm, regarding that #4. I would be absolutely no help to you if we shopped together because I would totally encourage you to buy everything you loved as I, also, have no will power in that department.
Desserts I can turn down, vintage clothing I find that I love and it fits, not so much.
And what’s with the glass hotel bathroom? I’ve never heard of such a crazy thing. A full length mirror in a bathroom is scary enough, never mind see through walls!
I’ve stayed at quite a few hotels now with this “innovative invasive” concept of bathroom glass walls. I suppose it makes the rooms look bigger, but at the expense of any kind of privacy. I wouldn’t even share this room with my husband. There are certain things I cannot unsee.
Interesting. I’ve never encountered this yet. Have you seen this in any hotels in the US? I’d like to know where so I can make sure to to avoid at all costs! I totally agree, some things are definitely better off left unseen.
The hotels were in NYC (The Hudson) and LA (I think it may have been the W in Westwood) where we stayed with glass walls for the bathroom. Lucky for us they came with drapes or blinds.
Thanks for the heads up. Nice to know they at least had some kind of coverage!
😀 Hehehe, you always make me laugh, dear Suzanne!
Sounds like the three of you had a wonderful time.
The toilet thing – I hate glass walls. What happened to privacy?
And about the dessert – how can anybody have only 1 spoon full? May I have their desert as well?
Many hugs xo 🙂
Good to know I’m not alone with the dessert addiction : )
Such an enjoyable post! Loved learning a bit more about all of you! # 3 and #4 are tough! 🙂
Love every one of these, and love that the three of you met up. How fun that must have been!
I have to say the dessert self-control shown by Patti and Ally is impressive; I am totally lacking in self-control…which leads to #4. So very admirable, honestly, but I have 0 self-control when it comes to not buying something I love. In other words, a package of Oreo Double Stuffs and a night of internet shopping could be the death of me.
I too swear like a sailor; I swear a bit on the blog, but it’s definitely a highly censored version. I have a gift in that I can not only turn it off at will, but I can turn it off and turn on my “super smart girl” speak and sound like I’m giving a presentation at a astrophysicist’s convention…okay, maybe not that smart, but you get the idea. I know some really big words and I know how to use ’em…lol! I always say I’m equal parts trailer park and highly educated lady. 🙂
Oh goodness, if you and I ever get together IRL it may be our undoing.
I so enjoyed this post! I am very impressed by Patti’s self-control, and I have been getting better at practicing #4, especially when I am in New York. I’ve never stayed at a hotel with glass walls in the bathroom – how strange! Wouldn’t be comfortable with that even if I was staying by myself.
I swear way too much and have to be careful to watch my language when I’m around children or my mother. Almost everyone in my office swears so it becomes second nature! The last point is very true – I think when you stop challenging yourself is when you really start to get old. Every time I travel by myself I learn something new.
I was very impressed with both Patti and Ally’s self control. I need to hang around with them more.
I can’t say any of these surprised me, but I found each to be very entertaining. The hotel room bathroom, seriously??? And I did get that impression from sweet Patti last year while spending an hour walking around with her. I’m with you on the dessert, in fact, Par wont share with me anymore becuase he knows he won’t get much dessert. I love your #4 and I’m really going to work on that one, great advice! Totally agree with 5, 6, and 7, and I kind of knew this about your fun feisty language (which I love). I also want what Patti’s having, or using and a big fact YES for challenging ourselves every.single.day.
Fun post, my cute friend.
Ha ha! You and I will NOT be sharing any desserts. No problem.
You were swearing like a sailor? Damn! They brought out the best in you and I wasn’t there! I’d love to swear with you.
You know you’re in a tight spot when what you don’t say is just as powerful as what you say, re. Patti’s life-reading skills. Best to drink in such situations. Hahaha.
A glass bathroom? GENIUS! Yes, they should put them in crowded bars too. What the fuuuu…? Do they rent blinds for outrageous prices as an extra, like having to pay for pillows on the plane? It makes me think there are spycams in the main room and they don’t want to miss out on any of the bathroom action. Gaaa!!!
HILARIOUS post, Suzanne. BWAHAHAHA!! Not for each point, although they are stellar, but the whole thing makes me LOL.
I can turn my foulout off and on as needed. Having taught 14 year olds , social studies for 37 years I can proudly say I inly swore one time and it was only a ” what the hell..?”. I think it’s ALWAYS a decision.
Sometimes it’s just for fun, sometimes it creates needed impact, or humor and sometimes you’re just pissed off. So…
I agree.
They say that people that swear more often are less stressed. Not sure if that’s true, but just in case…what the Hell?
I wish very much we could meet
Coming to Málaga???
: ) My next “big” trip should be hopefully to Namibia. I’ve had my heart set on it for quite some time. I’ll make it back to Spain one day though. I did Spain and England about six years ago.
the first time I came across those glass wall toilets was some swanky nightclub in Barcelona back in the 1990s, they properly freaked me out. What are the architects thinking?
Loved seeing these photos of you, Patti and Ally. You look so happy and comfortable in each other’s company and goodness me, you look about 25 in most of them.
I love that you swear like a sailor, I reckon we’d have the best time ever when we finally meet. xxx
What a great post!!! I especially loved your comment about your salty language. I curse like a sailor and Bonaparte has me putting a curb on my filthy mouth. Somewhat.
The thing about the toilets though. Some things need to remain unseen..especially the sight of people going pee-pee or worse…….
I am sure I commented on this.. Hmm must be my age.
Anyway I love seein you having fun with these two beautiful people.
Laughed reading all your points. You funny woman,
What a wonderful time you all had together.
I honestly do not like the sound of glass walls in bathrooms. That’s one hotel I’ll make a note of not staying in!
The Toronto traffic is terrible. Got stuck on the Don Valley last week, so annoying and such a waste of time. I can understand how ticked off you must have been making you late.
Toronto is a lovely city and I’m sure there is always something new for you to discover. The vintage stores are unique and as Patti says you don’t always have to own something to appreciate. We are all guilty about impulse purchases but what I find (took me a long time!) is that if you walk away and promise yourself that you will return the next day that nine times out of ten you then decide not to.
Glad you all had such a lovely time together, true friends are hard to come by so enjoy!
It’s fun to travel and reconnect with places. Also so important to take on new challenges. Our latest travel adventure is to rent an apartment for the summer on the 28 th floor! Hate heights but after a few weeks find that I can now look down!
I need lots of practise on number 4: I’m trying not to be an impulsive buyer anymore!. So I’m taking it easy, letting those beautiful clothes rest for a while on their hangs into the shops before taking a decision.
And I LOVE that you pepper your conversation with some colorful words, mwhaha, me too. My usual language is pretty ‘colorful’, even for spanish standards!.
I’m also loving that you rediscover where you live. And I think that number 10 is a key piece to enjoy and have fun! challenging ourselves!!. Travelling by myself is always a challenge but I like it!