We met Carol recently at CHA. She was working in the Memories in Uniform and was so much fun to be around. Thankfully she didn’t mention all the antics myself and my husband played on her while at Disneyland….hopefully I’ll get some of our photos up later in the week.
Visit her great blog A Smidgen of This A Pinch of That http://embracetheadventure.blogspot.com/2007/02/blog-spotlight-bisous/
What a fun surprise, I’m blushing almost as much as during one or two of those antics at Disneyland. I may never recover from the Tower of Terror (I hope Hazel recovered, LOL!). I’ll have to post the face-painting pictures soon! 🙂
I enjoyed meeting you at CHA–it was such a great time! I hope you’ve had piles of orders for those delicious products.