How to Shop a Warehouse Sale
Sorry…that should read…how NOT to shop a warehouse sale.
Have you ever been to a warehouse sale? I hadn’t up until a week ago. My husband got an invite from his American Express card to an “exclusive” pre-opening day. Since they had advertised over 30,000 shoes on sale between 50-80% off I figured it would be worth a peek.
I wore a version of this outfit, but with jeans, booties and a leather jacket.

We went to the shoe sale and I picked up these sandals
And hubby bought these brogues
Then we noticed that right next door there was a Nordstrom warehouse sale. Since we’d made the trip we figured it would be criminal not to stop in and see what they had.
The thing about these warehouse sales is *spoiler alert* they’re in a warehouse.
I know. Obvious right? What isn’t obvious is that you have to change in a room that looks like a barn. One massive area with no walls separating you from anyone else, a few mirrors strewn here and there, horrible lighting, and everyone has to get naked in front of everyone else.
Okay, granted they weren’t unisex change rooms…but I did feel like one amongst a herd of cattle.
I don’t care for changing in front of other people. Even family members.
The prices were too good though and I forced myself to get over my shyness rather quickly. I was very uncomfortable and trying to be as efficient as possible to expedite the whole distasteful matter. What I won’t do for some cheap clothes. Sad really. Just sad.
I took in 6 items with me but had to leave one item out of the change room. (Isn’t that always the way?) There were no chairs, you just had to throw your stuff and clothes on the floor.
In my haste to get things on and off as quickly as possible I threw everything down into one big pile.
It’s important to note that one of the items I was trying on was this skirt by Michael Kors.
Notice how it has exactly the same print as the blouse I was wearing? I thought they might work together, but the skirt looked dowdy on me and was WAY out of my price range even at 80% off. Reg price was something insane, over $2 200. My blouse is from Target and I believe cost $29.
So I quickly changed out of that, threw it on the ground in the heap with everything else, tried on one of the dresses I’d taken in but decided I needed to go get that last item I’d left outside of the massive “fitting room”. I grabbed the python print I knew I wasn’t buying and ran back to the door/curtain, handed it to one of the ladies there and said,
“I need that Diane Von Furstenburg wrap dress please! I won’t take this skirt…thanks.”
I grabbed the dress, quickly ran back to my little corner and tried on 3 dresses that looked quite nice. A Trina Turk in silk, a Nordstrom maxi and a sexy fitted retro style in black velvet. The others didn’t work. I sorted through the piles of clothing on the floor and started to get dressed.
Except there was one slight problem…
I had no top to wear.
I kept saying, “WTF?” to myself over and over…going through each item on the floor.
It took me a few minutes to realize I’d handed out my blouse to the fitting room attendants instead of the damn skirt. They looked exactly alike when sitting bunched up on the floor. By that time I was sweating.
Remember, this was all taking place with everyone else in the massive cattle fitting room.
I had only my vest and leather jacket to wear out of there.
Biker chic yes…Suzanne style, no.
I went outside with my leather jacket on and tried to explain what had happened to the ladies outside. They must have had a shift change because they were different ladies and none of them seemed to know what I was going on about. There were stacks and stacks of clothes in massive piles on tables by the fitting room that needed to be put away. I was told to look through there. After a frantic search for my blouse nothing turned up.
I explained it was strange since I’d only taken the blouse out by mistake about 15 minutes beforehand and now it was nowhere to be found.
The disturbing thing was that I’d seen people going through those piles of clothes before, picking through them and taking items out. I started to really freak out when I figured out that someone could have taken my blouse from that pile, bought it and left the warehouse with it already!
Only I could go out shopping and literally lose the shirt off my back.
I was in full panic mode now. I mean I had no shirt to wear out of there! None of the women there seemed too concerned about the whole thing. I asked if we couldn’t go to the registers and tell all of the cashiers to be on the lookout for my blouse. It was embarassing and silly, but Hell, sometimes these things happen! ( Well to me apparently sometimes…anyhow.) I mean seriously…what are the chances that I take two items that look exactly alike into a space that looks like a barn, am overly panicked to try them on as quickly as physically possible and mix up the two pieces? It was the perfect (warehouse shit shopping) storm.
We went to the cash and after about 10 minutes of confusion and explaining the situation to three other people (ummm……frustrated much!?) a girl finally agreed to take my information, should they happen to come across my blouse later in the day. I was wearing my leather jacket done all the way up since,
oh yeah…naked underneath!
When I was describing the item I’d lost, to the gal one of the ladies came back up from the fitting room with my blouse in her hand. She’d found it on a rack that had been taken to the back that one other lady had already “supposedly searched through”.
I wouldn’t be leaving this warehouse sale less one shirt and my dignity after all.
You might be wondering if I actually wanted to buy anything after that mess. Don’t be silly! After all that hassle I wasn’t going home empty handed. I bought a maxi dress and a pair of shoes.
Have you ever had anything weird happen in a fitting room before? I once had to be cut out of a skirt at Anthropologie.
I’d love to hear some other stories. I know hope I’m not the only one that has a bizarre story to tell.
Linking up with the lovely Patti for Visible Monday 52 Pick-Me-Up
Whoa–now that’s quite a tale! I went back and read the skirt story, too, since that’s from before I ever read your blog…man, you tend to experience far more fitting room drama than I have! I detest fitting rooms in general, so I have to REALLY love something…and REALLY not be sure that it’ll fit, before I’ll go to the trouble of trying it on.
I have been to a couple of these sales and after about two of them, you wise up. You only put on very old clothes and a body. Don’t know whether you call them that as well. It is a top which is buttoned up underneath your you-know-what. Looks like a bathing suit. You are always dressed and it is the perfect fitting item.
I always keep my belongings between my two feet, but even so I once felt somebody was grabbing my trousers from between my feet. I quickly set her right. LOL
PS great shoes!!!!
Is it okay to laugh??? This story is too funny and then you topped it off by mentioning the need to be cut out of a skirt too??
I’ve been to one warehouse sale in Seattle and since it did not represent the actual store’s inventory where I enjoyed shopping I didn’t stay long. But there were not separate rooms for trying things on at all. And not nearly enough mirrors.
I guess my only remotely comparable story was while I was working for Macy’s back in the 80’s and while two ladies were in the dressing room trying on lingerie their 10 year old son was crawling across the floor behind the cash register coming to look up my skirt! He did it three times too. Future psychopath? I think so.
I always share so people can have a good laugh : )
Crazy kid! I don’t know what I’d have done.
Happy Easter – OMG that’s hilarious but those shoes you and the hubby got are surely worth the trip!
Oh no, that is really a terrible thing! I would feel very bad, for sure, and in a place like a barn, a “cattle place” and full of things around… no, that is terrible, indeed! I am glad you could find the shirt again! I would go crazy! 🙂 I am glad you bought the beautiful blue sandals! 30,000 pairs on sale? Wow! Your husband’s brogues are also great! Your red skirt and beautiful jacket really match well and you look lovely! I am looking forward to seeing the maxi dress after all what happened!
Although I was stressed about leaving without a shirt at the time I thought the whole incident was quite hilarious. Seemed like it was written for a sitcom.
I’m waiting for it to warm up here before I wear that maxi. Hopefully Mother Nature will finally get her act together and give us some Spring. I’m not holding my breath though.
What an adventure! So glad you got your blouse back and weren’t photo’d in the near-nude. Thanks for sharing all the suspense and great story-telling with Vis Monday, xox
I love Robert’s new shoes and so does Jon. Fancy that, Lotus! They used to be one of the biggest employers in our county until the factory moved to Wales in the 1990s.
Never been to a place like that, the joys of being a die-hard second hand shopper. It sounds like hell on earth.
The blouse story was hilarious, could be a great technique for selling tops to desperate shoppers, though. I might try that at our next vintage fair, sneak into the changing room and hide what the potential buyers came in, forcing them to buy our stock!
Love your outfit and your curly hair. Hope it won’t be too long till you can wear those pretty new sandals without losing a toe to frostbite! xxx
Ha ha! Yep…I’ve given you a new tool for selling.
I told my husband the story about the shoes. We didn’t know that brand before.
It’s still cold here : ( I have a feeling I might be waiting till June this year.
Oh Suzanne, your outfit is just so lovely, and your storytelling is very entertaining. I don’t think I had anything like that, but I’m that rare gal who actually dislikes shopping – I do most of my purchases online. xxx
Wait a second…that isn’t true! You shop in thrift stores all the time : ) Unless I’ve misunderstood.
That’s rather an exception for me, I agree. I love treasure hunting in thrift shops or antique malls. But it also is not a constant, though I really enjoy it these days. 🙂 I really prefer online shopping to going to shops/malls.
I’ve never heard of Talize – I’ll look it up. And I’ve seen Alice too – what a coincidence! We looked like sisters yesterday.
oh boy. shopping in these kinds of sales really is a new experience. I remember doing them before and I always wore things that would make it easy to change in/out and anything spandex to cover. hah. But, sometimes, you get the best deals!
It opened up my eyes that is for sure.
Oh, I can just imagine the panic you felt when your blouse disappeared! I’m so glad they located it, even if you had to pretty much force them to look for it. It does make for a very entertaining story after the fact (so many embarrassing things do).
I’ve been to a couple of smaller warehouse-type sales where all of you change in a big curtained area. I don’t enjoy shopping like that – too much pressure to grab things before anyone else does and I end up buying things that I’m not really in love with.
That is true about the embarassing bit. I knew halfway through the ordeal that it would be making an appearance on the blog. Too funny and weird not to share it.
What a story! A traumatising experience, no doubt. But I salute your courage: I would never venture into a warehouse sale. I have no problem changing in communal dressing rooms ( I’m a Finn, we’re quite relaxed in certain ways…) but it’s crowded, messy places I can’t stand. Even H&M gives me the hives! i take one look at disorganised, overstuffed racks and I run. But on the other hand, overzealous shop assistants also make me want to flee… I guess I just suck at shopping.
You really do need to “be in the mood” to go to one of these things. I’m used to thrifting though so I know how to deal with disorganized stores.
Hihihihihihi…glad you got your shirt back and can’t wait to see your score. Your outfit above is quite fetching, by the way, you look marvelous. Nope, can’t say that I’ve had any dressing room mishaps (touche bois) to date.
Thanks. I really liked wearing this outfit out. It is the right temperatures now, a bit chilly still. Otherwise the fur on that collar can make me feel like I’m being strangled by a super hot cat.
Oh how I love the brogues you scored for the hubby! I remember tackling the wear house sales back in the day. I remember the grabbing and pushing and shoving…and that was done by me.
I really like your outfit 🙂
Ha ha! I know I will NOT be shopping at any warehouse sales with you lady!
Oh my, I don’t mean to laugh, but geez we do have a similar sense of humour. At least you can laugh about it now, not at the time!! I would have panicked too! Or probably just told one of the ladies, yeah, thats my shirt, thats mine ( some random top). . Love the blue sandals, the brogues and at least you found out about the warehouse sale. I couldnt do it!
Love the colors of your jacket and the fur of course, great skirt as well.
jess xx
Hope to see you tomorrow at Turning Heads Tuesday link up!
I was kind of laughing about the absurdity of the whole situation at the time. Panicking and laughing.
Wow! What an amazing, scary story. Sorry for your fear and inconvenience.
Love the post though; it’s full of gems like “a heard of cattle.” I’ve never herd of that before. 🙂
BTW, I put a big package in the mail to you today. Don’t be frightened when it arrives!
Thanks for calling me out on that silly mistake. I felt like such a putz. I’ll be prepared for a very small package in the mail…since I no longer trust anything you say lady! LOL
Great story(s) Suzanne! I appreciate that you’ve gone through the trenches of factory sales, and prepared us all for what can/does happen. I remember the first time I entered a changing room in London, and it was one big room, and I was so self conscious, I walked right back out. I’ve seen girls wearing leotards at Value Village sales, so they’re never quite nekkid, just as Greetje says. As these things happen in threes, I’ll be watching for your third changing room incident…kidding!!!
Have a great week!
Thanks for cursing me Sue! LOL
Yikes! Quite the tale! Glad you were able to find it again though…
Yes, that and my dignity were found prior to leaving ; )
I thought I was going to have to take a Xanax just reading about what happened to you. It was stressing me out! I’ve been stuck in clothing in the dressing room before. I had to call my husband…thank goodness he was close by.
Ha! Good to hear I’m not the only one that has had strange things happen while shopping.
Is it wrong that I am laughing at your story? It just means you are a wonderful story teller! We have a bunch of these warehouses here and I have been to a few and it’s such a time waster. Too many people and the prices just weren’t not worth it. I have yet to go to Barney’s sale but it’s probably totally out of my price range. I have learned to wear workout clothes so you can take off your clothes and try things on without feeling uncomfortable.
Glad you found your top!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Making you laugh is my personal mission : ) Even if it means losing my clothes and dignity to do it. LOL
You told this story so well – I had to share it with my husband! I’m sorry this happened to you, although it made a great tale, I don’t think I’ve ever shopped a warehouse sale before – and now I’m not sure I want to! So glad you found your blouse.
What did he think of it? Or dare I ask? LOL
He thought it was hysterical (sorry 🙂 and that it sounded exactly like something I would do!
I like your opening – “I wore THIS exact outfit except with pants, a different top, different shoes, different coat, different head…” but a great setup for what came next.
I hate to laugh at your misfortunes but you set yourself up for it with your great writing. I dislike disrobing in public, not that it frequently happens. I’m glad you got your top back although I wonder what would have happened if you saw it on someone else. There’d be a Part 2 to this post and maybe a mug shot? heh.
But a happy ending with lovely new things and new shoes. I love Robert’s new brogues too. They’re opening a Nordstroms in Vancouver soon. I look forward to it.
Trust you to catch those details Melanie. I can’t slip anything by you! LOL
You are right. I was already preparing myself for a big cat fight should I see someone else in that barnyard-of-a -fitting-room trying on my blouse. It wouldn’t have been pretty.
You’ll have to let me know if you like the Nordstroms they open out there.
I haven’t had many fitting room weirdness happening but I tend to shop the same brands/stores and a lot of times I am lazy to try the clothes on. I buy them, try them at the comfort of my own home and a lot of times with other pieces I already own. Thanks for sharing this.
Love how bold, colorful and elegant this outfit is. Feminine also. Gorgeous python bow blouse and I love that fur-trim jacket, also.
Oh Suzanne I really feel for you! I would have been hot and panicky too, but at least you had the jacket to put on!!
Gosh, and I did get trapped in a dress once, it was last year, and thankfully there was a very patient older sales lady who managed to work the zip loose after quite a few minutes of me panicking!!
I hope the purchases were worth it!! x
OMG I’m sorry, Suzanne, I do feel your pain, truly, but I’m laughing so hard, my sides hurt. This was priceless 🙂 the only things I’ve ever “lost” were my wedding and anniversary rings. I turned the store upside down, every possible sales associate was deployed to help me search. And in the end, we realised I’d actually forgotten to wear the rings out that day. They were both safely at home, on the ring stand, in my bedroom. It took me almost a year before I plucked up sufficient courage to visit that store again xoxoxo
p/s I’m VERY glad you did not leave empty-handed, that would’ve been a crime, yes.
I love that you had a good laugh : )
Yikes on the rings. Thank heavens you realized what happened. These kind of things happen. More and more as we get older it seems. Hmmmm….wonder what that means? LOL
I might have said this already, but that blazer is killer. I love the color/pattern scheme. The entire outfit is well constructed. Great use of color! Also, I want to steal your dude’s shoes. Hehe.
– Anna
Gorgeous outfit, and you and Robert both found some great shoes.
I’ve never been to a warehouse sale, it sounds a bit of a scrum! I don’t actually try things on that often in charity shops, I tend to measure an item (always travel with my trusty tape measure) and make a judgment about whether it will fit. If it doesn’t, I just sell it on Ebay instead!
Glad you got your blouse back – a happy ending is always good! xxx
Funny story Suzanne. Good you found the shirt in time! There are actually a few sales in Singapore where there are NO changing rooms at all. Tactic here is to wear a body suit of some kind. In my case short leggings and a singlet and just try the clothes over that. But, also no mirrors! So I ask someone to take a picture with my phone to get an idea of how something looks. Mind you this is in a room full of people, including men so vanity should be thrown out of the window. Needless to say, that this leads to buying mistakes. I will not go anymore because it’s just too busy and you end up with too many duds. I recently saw a top shop here having an 80% sale rack, but you were not allowed to try the clothes on! Even though they did have perfect fitting rooms and it was not busy… That shows no respect for the customer in my opinion. Should not the goal for a shop be that the customer is happy with their purchases? Sorry, can’t really think of a funny story……
That’s why I love shopping online;-). I hate trying on clothes in shops, let alone warehouses.