My little Zoe is in the hospital. I have no idea what happened, she was fine last night and then this morning didn't want to eat and after her walk she was lethargic and listless. Not at all her usual rambunctious high energy self.
After taking her to the vet it was decided she needed to have fluids via IV so then I had to take her to the emergency hospital.
She is dehydrated and anemic. We are waiting to hear the results of the blood tests.
I am a worried Mommy.
I had to take her to the same hospital where we put down our other pug almost 3 years ago…Mitsou. Man…that was rough. On top of that they made me go to the same examination room. Eeesh.
I'm trying not to worry too much. It is so hard since they can't communicate their needs.
Hopefully she will be back to her normal fun-loving self tomorrow.
Oh I hope she is better soon. She looks like such a sweetie. We have had many pets, my heart goes out to you.
blue hue wonderland
Oh she is so adorable Suzanne. I’m glad her ‘mommy’ got her to the dr. to have it all checked out. Hope things are much better tomorrow for you both!
xx, Heather
Poor little puggy!! It can be so scary when they aren’t feeling well. I hope that the vet gets her all squared away and she is back to her pug ways soon.
Keep us posted.
Awe, Suzanne I hope Zoe feels better soon! Wrapping you both in a cyber hug!
Sue xo
Ooh… hope you’ll get a good news.
I have 5 cats at home and when one of them gets sick I too get so worried. Our pets are our family members and it is naturally to be worried about them. Let’s hope nothing serious with Zoe and she’ll be fine soon.
oh Suzanne:-( so sorry to hear that:-( as an animal lover and owner I know what you’re going through… I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for your little baby !!!Hope everything turns out fine and she’ll soon return home with you guys…
I’m so sad to hear that. I hope she’s feeling better. She’s a cutie that Miss Zoe.
Oh no! I hope that everything is ok now!
Oh dear, it is no fun at all to see a sick pet. They never complain and don’t deserve to feel poorly. I hope she feels better soon.