I had to share this great post by Beverly from Beverly Like Hills…
"I remember the day it happened.
I was sitting in a doctor’s office, the fourth doctor to be exact, waiting for some sort of diagnosis.
After a few minutes, the doctor informed me he didn’t have the answers I was looking for, “I thought I’d have an answer for you", dot dot dot, "I can’t help you", dot dot dot, "I’ve seen this happen before to women of a certain age", dot dot dot.
And that was it. The moment “women of a certain age” passed over his lips I could feel the veil of invisibility cover me. It’s been two years since that day and I have been trying to shred the Certain Age veil ever since. I know I’m not alone.
When I stopped blogging two years ago, there was a handful of Over 40 bloggers. Now there are hundreds. If you’ve ever looked at Sylvia's or Citizen Rosebud’s Over 40 blogger roll* you know what I’m talking about. Why has this particular category of women bloggers grown so quickly?
I’m asking because I believe it’s important to take notice of the rise of Over Forty bloggers.
I trust as our community grows, so does our voice. The louder we become, the more difficult it will be to go unnoticed. As we grow, I'm hoping the veil of invisibility will be lifted and others will see us for what we are, accomplished, beautiful, confident, smart, and stylish women of a certainly awesome age."
Yay! Go, Beverly! This category of bloggers has grown so quickly, because we want to see real women of our age sharing their style, and well, just being fabo in general.
I am not there yet, but it do upset me anyway that women’s health issues are so ignored compared to men’s. Thanks for sharing, I am going to jump over to Beverly now.