I thought this dress was slimming until I saw the photos.
That extra pattern on the hips isn’t doing me any favours. Those side panels should be all black.
This sweater dress is 100% wool. Perfect for the -15 C windchill we had on Friday night.
Today as I write this it is 7 C and sunny.

I own two sweater dresses that are ideal for Canadian winters. I’m wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. Especially with tights, thigh high boots and a turtleneck layered underneath.
I’m wearing one of my handmade cuffs made from a vintage brooch and crystal beads. It’s not tied very well as you can see in the photo. My ladies maid is quite useless when it comes to helping me get dressed. She is lacking those indefinable skills that the ladies maids on Downton Abbey possess.
She was decidedly less expensive (requiring only that I throw her a bone every once in a while and scratch behind her ears) and can be rather pig pug headed.
One does the best one can with the dismal selection of hired help nowadays.
When I’m layered up like this and wrapped in a wool sweater dress I have a fear of being caught in a sudden extreme hot flash.
When I wore this on Friday night I thankfully managed without incident. I think the walk from the parking two blocks away in the -15 C wind might have helped.
I do however, think I need to start carrying something like this in my handbag in case of emergency…it could be a life saver. I didn’t know those types of things existed.
In fact, wouldn’t it be great to have a menopause emergency kit always at the ready?
My menopause emergency kit would include:
- family size dark chocolate bar
- a mickey of vodka
- a button that says, “BACK THE F-OFF!”
- panty liners
- instant cold packs
- tweezers & compact mirror
- magnifying glass
- mini flashlight
- wet wipes
- lube
- wick-away cooling PJs
- extra strength Nytol
- brain cleaner & memory refresher spray
- extra strength pain killers
- huge sunglasses
- fold out fan
- extra deodorant
- face shaver
- full body Spanx
Those lasts five items were provided thanks to Melanie.
What did I forget? Can you think of anything I should add?
Linking up with Visible Monday I Will Wear What I Like What I Wore Throw Back Thursday
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