There have been some self esteem issues floating about the 40+ blogging community as of late.
It happens to the best of us. Sometimes things aren’t going our way and then suddenly it is a landslide of self doubt and esteem issues.
Sue and Samantha wrote about this recently.
Mourning The Loss Of Youth
We wake up and look in the mirror and wonder who the heck it is staring back at us. When did she get here? Who let her into my body?
We wonder how its possible to look exhausted when we just got out of bed, how an age spot pops up overnight like a mushroom and why the pillowcase now leaves dents in our face that take half the day to go away.
Don’t even get me started on body issues. Those go on forever!
Personally I’d just like my twenty year old vagina back thank-you-very-much. No questions asked. I’ll even put up with the extra padding around the belly, saggy arms and neck if that one other item could be blissfully reset.
I lament the loss of my youth like everyone but when it gets me down I step back and allow myself some perspective.
We are mourning the loss of youth and what we had while failing to recognize what we still have.
As long as we still have our health and those we love we have everything we need.
When we look back on photos of ourselves 5-10 years from now we will wonder what the heck we were complaining about.
We will never look as good as we do now.
It is all relative.
What we have today we will eventually lose.
We need to enjoy and cherish what we have.
Life is the one true miracle in this universe.
Miracles aren’t meant to be wasted on worries, regrets and living in the past. Miracles are meant to be celebrated and enjoyed.
Your life is a miracle.
Your body is a miracle.
Appreciate that you have the ability to function on your own.
Thank your body daily. It is your one true temple despite the growing aches, pains, wrinkles and weight. It has taken you through your life up until this moment.
Be grateful.
Aging is inevitable if we are lucky. Our attitude towards aging plays a large part in our happiness as we grow older.
Every day we are one day closer to death. Lets make our moments count and not waste our mental energy on superficial worries.
Live in the moment. Love your body. Be thankful.
This post is dedicated to Rena of Fine Whatever.
Linking up with Patti over at Visible Monday.
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