Classic Style With A Twist
As I’m out regularly now shopping purchasing inventory for my upcoming vintage clothing show I am exposed to some great contemporary pieces along the way that are just too good to walk away from. Case in point, this entire classic outfit.
It’s all in the details.
Suede with a unique tone on tone pattern engraved on the leather. Silk in a bold pattern and wonderfully eclectic colours. A blouse that ties kimono style.
This is classic but with just enough twists to keep me happy.

The entire outfit was thrifted on the same day.
It is possible it all came from the same store. For those of you that don’t thrift shop it is pretty rare to find pieces that match together so beautifully, pulled from endless racks of used clothing. I had to take in the skirt and add a few snaps to the blouse to make it work for me. No biggie.
If only I had as much luck with the lottery as I do with thrifting.
Don’t you just love my manicure?
It is called “I can’t be bothered with painting my nails.”
I’m one of those freaks that enjoy very short nails ( I blame this on my piano teacher when I was a kid). Although I’ve had quite a few manicures in my life, I find that they last all of two minutes. I literally cannot make it out of the salon without ruining at least one nail. Normally I’ve ruined three by the time I get to the car. I’ve tried gel polishes but I found that they left my natural nails destroyed.
Honestly, I don’t find it such a big deal. I didn’t get my first pedicure till I was about thirty-five. Painted nails and diamonds have never been my thing although I’ve learned to appreciate a good spa pedicure and can sometimes make it all the way out to the car before destroying one of my nails. Normally it is the big toe. I am polished nail adverse it seems, which is just another way of saying I’m a klutz. For me, the manicure is all about the foot and leg massage anyway. The polish itself is just an added bonus as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve never chosen red or pink nails. They have always been blue, purple or green.
Are you surprised?
I didn’t think so.
I do adore pretty manicures on other women.
Are there any female maintenance routines that you regularly skip or can’t be bothered with?
I can’t stand having longer nails!! Lol! Mine are always very short. I really like your skirt!
Fridays Fashions link up
Amazing outfit. Simply amazing. So beautiful it ought to be in print. You’re really displaying huge talent here.
Perhaps it’s because I’m new to female-maintenance but I enjoy the chores immensely. Painting nails, shaving legs, face-masks, they all give me pleasure. They remind me of the privilege it is to be female. I only wish I could do other things (like use hair-curlers or get a mani-pedi)…
I can see why you like this outfit, it’s beautiful!
Ah, nails… oh well, I’d be happy if I could stop biting my nails (yes, a disgusting habit, I know…). I’ve had maybe one mani-pedi in my life. And facials, maybe twice in my life. And my idea of makeup is a little bit of powder and lipstick. I’m the laziest, most clueless woman ever when it comes to ‘maintenance routines’. I like to call it being ‘low-maintenance’, though…
And then there’s my hair… regular haircuts once a month, only the best conditioners and deep treatments daily at home, salon quality blowdriers and brushes. Oh, I hate doing my hair, it takes me 5-10 minutes tops, but I’m pretty good at it. I grew up in a hairdresser salon, so I actually do know something about hair care. But my hair is a moody diva-bitch, always messy but not in a predictable way: one day (messy) waves and the next day all (messy) corkscrew curls, never mind what I do or don’t do. In other words, why bother?
This outfit is quite amazing Suzanne!! Even though everything is quite conservative, there are interesting details that make it far from boring!
As for the nails—it’s a maintenance thing. I couldn’t have them as a dentist so I thought once I retired it’d be a fun change. But typing on the computer is hell for nails—and I have too many other fun things to do!! At least my toe color lasts a good month—–so I’ll do that in the summers!!
It was as if that top and skirt were meant to be together! Well done for uniting – or reuniting – them.
I always, always paint my toe-nails and keep on top of home pedicures. It cheers me up to see colourful toes! But my hands, I use them too much for DIY and gardening, typing, housework etc., and I find that long nails just get in the way. I am able to grow them for special occasions (my wedding!) but they soon end up short again. I do paint them now and again, but not all of the time. As long as they’re clean and neat, I can live with them.
Wonderful photos Suzanne and you look gorgeous in them! Love the top. I’m like you. Short nails and hardly ever polish them. Mainly out of laziness I must add…
Love the whole outfit! Especially the colors! As far as personal maintenance… Never had a manicure, pedicure, facial or massage in my 50 years, and what makeup i do wear, it’s cheap! And i only get my hair cut and highlighted every 5 to 6 months. And you know why, don’t you? 🙂 I’m not against any of it. Most of the women i know enjoy it all. But I get a thousand percent more joy by using those pennies in thrift stores and used book stores! Yay!
Those were two excellent finds, they look as if they were made for one-another and just proves that its daft to go out secondhand shopping with a mental list, if you’d only been looking for vintage to resell you’d have missed those beauties.
Never had a manicure or pedicure in my life. Long nails aren’t for me either. I use a nail clipper and whack on either blue or green nail paint (usually Barry M which retails at £4). Glitter and diamonte on nails freak me out, I hate the texture.
Love that handsome stag on the fabulous fireplace behind you! xxx
Beautiful outfit! You really do strike it big in the thrift shops.
I love to paint my nails but get the fast dry polish because my attention span won’t wait an hour for the regular kind. I love sparkly purple and hot pink shades. I won’t have it done at a salon because I enjoy doing it and won’t pay for someone to do things that I’m perfectly capable of – like dyeing my roots or plucking my brows.
Do you still play piano?
Putting together an outfit and the emotional kick from uniting pieces in a unique way, a classic way, a revolutionary or one that just tickles your personal fancy IS the fashion experience I think.
You have an exciting talent for wonderful combinations of color and texture. We feel and see your fashion passion. Thanks for that!
That’s a very nice classic outfit with just the right amount of interesting details! I love the colors in the top!
I have only gotten one or two manicures in my life since they just don’t last. I do get pedicures in the summer and enjoy them.
I think it’s very healthy to keep mixing things up style wise. This classy broad kind of outfit needs shiny hair and sleek shoes like yours. You always have a polished look about you, even on those boyfriend jeans days. And hey, that nail thing, well I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t said. I try to keep mine looking presentable as I have to deal with customers and cash handling does bring attention to dodgy nails. Polly and I have polish remover for those days when we just end up with ruined nails through the efforts on the computer and tills. Have a great week x
Gorgeous outfit! I never have any luck thrifting (at least for clothing), but I also don’t do it that often. I absolutely adore the top on you. The pattern and kimono cut really make it unique!
This makes me sigh ever so dreamily it’s such a beautiful outfit on you Suzanne. I love the kimono tie blouse – soft but gorgeous colours.
I can’t bear long nails either. I keep mine short – I played violin and piano growing up and long nails are a no no!
Dear Suzanne, I loved this skirt! It has a beautiful pattern and it’s not fabric, it’s suede, so a bonus – how lovely that you found such a gem in a thrifty shop! I also find that the top is perfect for this skirt! You look chic and beautiful! And as for manicures, I had the same problem with ruining a nail or 2 – still have 🙂 But somehow it has been working now. I am going to write a post this year about it 🙂 That I prefer natural nails. With a transparent coat only. Last year I started to have more colored nails. But as soon as I have one “created” style, I will go back to natural, my favorite one! Hope you have a very lovely week! By the way, a blogger friend had problems commenting before, and fixed it. Then she used the mobile and it worked. It’s not that you have to comment, no way, just telling you that maybe if you want, it can work through the mobile. And another thing – Bloglovin somehow deleted the blogs I followed. So now I am following you again and will receive more posts 🙂 Bisous!
Beautiful outfit. You really should thrift here in the Netherlands. Pretty sure you can’t find anything. I love doing women things. I feel naked without nailpoish.
Wow not only fantastic outfits I also LOVE your mantle piece 🙂
Now I see the detail on the skirt. Gaaa. This is truly one of those dream outfits where you walk out the store with a huge grin. And silk in the top to balance it all out mood-wise. Good one.
Never a manicure or facial for me either. Ever. My nails can’t breathe with polish on them. It makes me uptight. But I loooove the looks of a great manicure. And short nails here as well because they are less worrisome in terms of snags and rips and scratching.
Great photos
It’s rare to find a complete outfit when you go thrifting, so kudos to you for finding these two great pieces that go together so well. I used to take care of my fingernails when I was in my 20’s and 30’s but now I don’t bother – the ones on my right hand split when they get to a certain length so I keep them very short. Occasionally I used the Sally Hansen nail stickers, which I find last over a week. I do keep my toenails polished (generally blue or green) but I do it myself.
It’s rare to find the makings of a complete outfit when you’re thrifting so kudos to you for nabbing these great pieces that go so well together.
I don’t spend money on manicures – the nails on my right hand tend to split if I let them grow so I keep all my nails very short. I do find the Sally Hansen nail stickers last over a week, but they can be a challenge to apply. I keep my toenails polished though, generally blue or green 🙂
I couldn’t get the link to your vintage fashion show info but I can JUST IMAGINE!!! It is going to be awesome for certain. I love the kimono top. Very chic. I know, I didn’t inherit the manicure gene either.
Every now and then I give it a go but it never lasts for long. My maintenance thing is that I just can’t fuss with my hair. Wash and dry and go. I go nuts if my hairdresser tries to put product in. I’ve always wanted that long flowing wood nymph kind of hair with bits of leaves and flowers in it and a soft curl all naturally sun streaked and sexy. (I guess I watched too many Herbal Essence commercials when I was younger.)Unfortunately I didn’t get that hair gene either. Oh well…
You hit the jackpot at the thrift store with that outfit! Love it!
This is a very beautiful ensemble. One I would wear in a heartbeat (as you can guess). Well done.
And eh… I never go to a beautician.
This skirt is stunning, what a find! I also love the silk blouse, these are so beautiful! Lucky you indeed!
I sometimes do the same thing with my nails, that is- nothing! But I can do a single coat of Sally Hansen instant dry, and I am done in 3 or 4 minutes. I add a top coat every day or two and it lasts.
Bolder colors get done in a nearby salon, and by the time i walk home they are dry! If I had to drive, they would be ruined!)
I have been getting eyelash extensions and I love them!
xx, Elle
Dang! I’m always amazed at the fab pieces you find when thrifting. I think I need to take a trip to Canada one of these days to check out the shopping. I never have quite the luck you do when I shop the thrift stores near me in Florida. Love the style and print on that blouse. So flattering. And that suede skirt looks great with it.
As far as maintenance, I am a big red polish fan since I usually wear red lipstick. I’ve got some kind of matchy matchy obsession going on there. My natural nails are always splitting and breaking, so I prefer them to be on the shorter side with a nice coat of acrylic overlay to strengthen them. Gel polishes didn’t do much for me either. Didn’t like the UV cure lights or the soak off. It really did a number on my nails.