Opting Out Of Christmas Consumption
For several years now we have been slowly cutting back on our consumption at Christmas. Every year we have managed to reduce the amount we spend and the garbage we create. Did you know that the average person creates 25% more waste during the Christmas season?
This year, aside from my annual family and friends photo calendars and some fancy chocolate, we won’t be buying any retail gifts. I’m quite proud of that fact.
Check out this list of Brilliant Christmas Gifts Under $20 or free that I guarantee people will love. Yeah, that’s right, FREE.
As one of my readers pointed out to me recently consumption is consumption, regardless if it is retail or secondhand, which is of course, true.
Ideally we would all be happy with what we have now and never buy anything again. Unfortunately that isn’t realistic.
The three Rs of the environment are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Reduction is our ultimate goal however reusing what is already on the planet is still better than buying new. Purchasing new always requires more energy and creates more waste than using something which already exists.
Secondhand does not mean second best. Shopping sustainably is good for our hearts, our wallets and most importantly, our only home, earth. Small choices amount to big changes for our world.
Opting Out Of Christmas Consumption
Opting out of the Christmas consumption means I can relax, not fight with the crowds and know that I’m not accumulating debt. Enjoying the season without the emphasis on spending money brings the focus back to spending time with those we love.
I haven’t given up everything. I can still be found baking a few Christmas cookies for the holidays but I have cut back on that too. It’s better for my waist and my health. It took me 52 years to understand the benefits of moderation.

I’m simplifying my holidays without losing the spirit of the season.
Do you find the holidays a stressful time of the year?
Linking up with Visible Monday, Turning Heads Tuesday and Fancy Friday
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