We are in the middle of a long weekend here in Canada for Thanksgiving.
I thought I’d share some of the little things that have made my heart thankful lately.
Thankful For The Little Things
Our incredible weather.
This has been the nicest fall I can remember…in my entire 51 years on this earth. It is about 24 Celsius outside right now and I’m wearing shorts.
I get up early to walk the pug and this is what I saw this morning…simply gorgeous.
Homemade pumpkin pie with real whipped cream and homemade chocolate pumpkin muffins.

I took a whole plate of mini bite size pumpkin pies with whipped cream to my neighbours last night, another thing that is on my list.
Great neighbours.
Seriously, you have no idea how important this is until you don’t have them and no, I didn’t go and ask them for a photo for my blog. They think I’m weird enough. Ha ha!
The pug.
Since the husband is on the other side of the world, currently in Australia, I’m happy that I have a furry kid to share my days with, even if she is incredibly demanding.
I started breaking up her evening meal into three portions just so she would get off my back at noon when she starts begging to be fed again. I didn’t realize my dog can count. She knows two more meals are coming and won’t stop begging until she gets that third one safely in her belly.
My new computer.
I hate that I had to replace my old one but I’m happy that the migration of files was painless and I’m now working away on the new machine which is lighter and faster than the old one.
Because without it I’d simply go nuts. My husband and I usually talk twice a day for about an hour or more each time. We schedule our days to fit it in and with a 12 or 15 hour time difference that can be challenging but we do it.
My health.

Every day I am grateful for my body taking me through life.
My fibromyalgia has been ramping up the more I age but I am refusing to surrender to it.
A Good Laugh
With all of the horrible headlines bombarding us daily I cherish a funny show or program.
I enjoyed Maron – Too Real a few weeks ago and laughed so much I think I’ll watch it again.
Last week I watched Big Mouth on Netflix and it is simply hilarious!
If you are a bit of a prude and gratuitous swearing makes your ears bleed this isn’t for you but if you like to laugh really hard while learning about human sexuality I suggest you give it a try.
The first episode was watchable but then after the second I think I binge watched another three they were so funny.
I ripped through the whole season in a week and was a bit depressed afterwards that it finished so quickly, I should have savoured it more slowly.
And because this is a style blog I’ll include some photos of clothes…because duh…
I LOVE ’em!
I wore this a few weeks back when we had some cooler days.

What are you thankful for today?
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!
Linking up with the lovely Patti over at Visible Monday.
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