What To Wear In NYC In The Summer
This is a small recap of what I wore on my recent trip to NYC.
It was seriously HOT, and humid. Above 100 and I felt it.
I arrived wearing this cotton dress
and had to change immediately into this dress…
which is linen and much looser around the waist. Even then I was still perspiring more than any “delicate flower” should.
The next day we had the special screening of the Fabulous Fashionistas and I wanted to make more of a statement.
I wore my vintage African print dress and got a couple of compliments on it from strangers…always a nice surprise.
This dress doesn’t require a bra which is wonderful when it is so hot outside but not ideal for trying on clothes in thrift stores which is what we did afterwards. (Note to self: never ever do that again.)
That evening we met up for the first blogger supper and I wore this dress, but changed out the necklace and wore one of my own large bib necklaces that I made.
If you want to see a truly hideous photo of me wearing this dress with the necklace that adds 50 lbs onto my frame and 20 years to my age just visit Sylvia’s blog.
I’ve made an infographic to help you understand.

Moving along…
The next day we spent shopping thrift and consignment stores so I decided to wear something that was fitting room friendly. I wore my newest vintage midi skirt that I purchased when I was in Elora at Sweet Trash last week.
This is the day I bought it.
If you are following me along on Instagram you would have seen two other amazing dresses that I didn’t buy that day.
Like this one.
Yes it was gorgeous and fit like a dream but it was also 100% polyester, heavy (as it was fully lined) and too rich for my wallet.
I also tried on this 1950’s hand painted skirt from Mexico which also didn’t come home with me. It was too expensive and had a strange closure that showed large gaps at my hips. Really weird. You could see my skin on either side of the dress. Too bad because I did love it and it was 100% cotton.
BUT I did get an incredible vintage lurex silver jumpsuit that I’ve yet to take photos of. I wore it to a play one evening in NY and Sylvia took a quick photo of me on her phone that she posted on her Instagram but it doesn’t do the outfit justice (the lighting is horrible and yet again I look like I weigh about 300 lbs). You’ll have to wait to see that one when I can manage to take some decent photos.
I also wore this silk Tristan dress…another life saver in the extreme heat.
My last day I wore my patterned Anthropologie jumpsuit.
I even wore it home on the plane.
Don’t worry. I didn’t have to use the bathroom on the flight back. It’s only an hour long plane ride from NYC to Toronto.
This jumpsuit isn’t touching the floor of any airplane or any other public toilet for that matter.
I also took this dress
just as an “extra” just in case but didn’t end up wearing it.
It is always good to have one additional emergency outfit I think when travelling.
Overall I’m happy with what I took.
I managed to cope with the heat and humidity and stayed true to my personal sense of style.
Of course by day two my feet were already covered in bandages, I never seem to manage to get my footwear exactly right for NY. Shoes I swore would be super comfortable, rubbed and gave me blisters in the heat and humidity. I managed to keep moving with the other pair of Clark wedges I’d brought which you can see with vintage midi skirt but I wish I’d taken a different pair of shoes as my alternate.
What worked?
Everything except one pair of shoes.
I fit all 9 outfits (jumpsuit not pictured here) into one carry-on with 3 pairs of shoes.
Additional items I had were; my hat, two clutches, jewellery and one black scarf which I wore once at the play as a shawl when the AC was on too high.
What I Kept In Mind While Packing
All evening outfits had to work with one pair of shoes.
All daytime outfits had to work with two pairs of shoes (well one in the end).
Everything needed to be cool enough for extreme heat and humidity. Total opposite of the last time I was in NYC and packed for freezing temps.
As this was a style blogger meet-up I knew I wouldn’t be needing very casual clothes and didn’t bring any.
Complete Outfits
All outfits needed to be “blog worthy”. I made sure to try on each outfit and accessorize it before I packed it. Small clutches worked very well for evening and don’t take up space or add weight in the suitcase.
Packing Tips
Pack jewellery inside clutches.
Pack underwear inside shoes.
Carry a backpack for laptop and sundries to avoid opening suitcase at security.
Pack all makeup in one clear ziplock bag.
Wrap silk or linen dresses in tissue paper as it helps avoid wrinkles.
Do you have any packing tips you use to keep your suitcase streamlined that you’d like to share?
Linking up with What I Wore Throw Back Thursday Fun Fashion Friday 52 Pick Me Up
You’re both organized and creative which is an amazing mix. Stunning pieces and outfits! 100 F and humid… I can’t even think of style at such extreme conditions! Making notes: silk… linen… no bras… liking it so far. 🙂 Great tips on packing, too! And the photo collage made me laugh 🙂
sorry for posting that picture. I know it’s not a flattering picture but I wanted to post my outfit and I only have it with you on it. I promise that all other pictures I post will be better! Still, if you prefer it I will remove it. Thanks so much for coming to NY. It was wonderful to have you there and you looked beautiful throughout!
Well you wouldn’t need to twist my arm to crop me right out of that photo. Just sayin’.
I was a great visit and opportunity to meet so many other wonderful inspiring creative women.
Thanks so much for inviting me.
cant wait to see the lurex jumpsuit! Wow, these outfits are all gorgeous. I know, you cant have all of them, but the ones you showed are amazing.
Loved the infographic.. !
I am so impressed you packed all of that!
OH, and the NY shoe thing… that is a tough one…memory foam inserts, and liquid bandaids have helped.
The silk Tristan dress is stunning!
xx, Elle
I did wear all of them but the one dress. I was only there 4 days but I made to change at least twice a day.
Great outfits, well done! I’m so envious that you got to meet some of the Advanced Style ladies!
I am impressed with how many things you were able to pack in a carry on, you are a pro!! I adore your new midi skirt. BTW, never realized that Sylvia is so tall. I think we are the same height (5’4″) and I am feeling a bit height challenged 🙂
Would love to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
Yes Sylvia is tall and thin. She has the body of a model whereas I have the body of a Minion. Ha ha!
You and I are the same height : )
Every single outfit is gorgeous, and I can’t believe you fit it all in a carry on. You are super fashion blogger girl!
I wouldn’t be able to pack as well in winter that is for sure. Not requiring heavy jackets or coats saved room for more dresses.
Could you please do a post on nyc thrift shops? I am going in October
I will try. I was bad and didn’t make notes of the really good ones or document which all we went to. I will try though as it would be a good resource for my return trips.
Love these choices for a hot humid NYC. You have wonderful style and wear colors so beautifully, my friend. And shoes – my eternal bete noire of walking around NYC. I am ready for hello kitty slippers next trip.
The Mexican skirt is so stunning. Remember the cool patchwork skirt we both loved in Vancouver. You: “this will not zip up in a million years.” I try it on: “This will not zip up in a million years.” Same feeling about having to leave that Mexican skirt behind, sob.
I’ll be in NYC Oct 17th – 24th. Shelley will be there and I am hoping Ally will join us for a cocktail. Have you got miles saved up so you can take a quick jaunt? I would love that. xox
Oh how I *wish* I could say yes. All my travels this year for blogger meet-ups have really tapped me out. Who knows though…maybe I’ll have a windfall of money coming to me in the next few weeks.
Ally? Did someone say my name?!
Stunning! Especially the black dress, love it. I was on my vacation with the family in NYC last month and I packed all shorts and tees and a couple of skirts for the night out. Only sandal, Birkenstock and TOMS and still I had to dash off to the pharmacy for blisters fix. That trip was my first summer trip to NYC.. I like the fall better 😉
Summer in my mind is NOT the season to visit NYC. Too hot and humid. I agree with you, fall is wonderful as is spring.
I think bandaged feet are the norm there.
I’m laughing at the thought of you thrifting without a bra. Ha!
How’d you get them to let you wear the un-purchased Mexican skirt OUTSIDE the store for a picture? You must be a real sweet-talker.
This post is so clever, so entertaining that you deserve to be in the Blogger Hall of Fame. You’re inspiring me to found such an institution.
Each and every outfit is gorgeous especially the African Maxi and that first dress. You pack like a pro. None of that tedious capsule wardrobe nonsense, a travel bag bursting with colour, fabulousness and sass.
Those vintage clothes that got away. the maxi is amazing and I’ve figured out the weirdness with the Mexican skirt, it’s designed to be worn in the South American style over a dress, isn’t it?
I’ve spent Summer packing – it consists of rolling each outfit up to include knickers, socks and jewellery (I never bother with a bra) – I take my trusty leather boots and travel in my sandals and borrow off the rail if the weather proves challenging! xxxx
Wow, what wonderful outfits – some inspired packing went on there, Suzanne! Hot and humid conditions are an extra challenge, so you did really well to cope with that too.
No particular tips from me about packing, I don’t go away that often but I never like to sacrifice colour or my usual style. As long as my feet are comfortable, the rest is reasonably straightforward! xxx
That sounds so hot and miserable! We get 100+ heat where I live all the time but we don’t have humidity so it’s not as bad. You still managed to stay so stylish even in the heat! I love your anthro jumpsuit!
You are such a pro at travel and packing and looking like a rock star. I lived in New York for many years and that city can really beat you up but you look gorgeous every day! Nicely done. That African maxi IS a stunner.
Looks like you chose well and had a great time!
Gorgeous outfits – every single one and absolutely true to you. Bravo! And I’m so jealous you got to me those fantastic ladies. I remember watching the original documentary of Fabulous Fashionistas when it was on TV here a couple of years ago and you got to meet Sue!!!!!!
You have a beautiful set of outfits here! I just love the vibrant colours and elegance you have! Ha, I laughed at the Jumpsuit toilet comment- that’s my MAIN concern with jumpsuits! It’s SO hard to dressin the heat! When I lived in Indonesia, I really struggled with dressing modestly in the heat with the right materials!x
No matter what time of year you go to NYC, the right footwear is always a challenge! I always have to take 2 pairs of shoes in addition to the ones I’m wearing. I thought you did amazingly well in the packing department with your pretty summer dresses – glad the dress from the Vintage Show got to visit the big apple! I’ve never been to New York in the height of summer but I know I would probably not enjoy it. I much prefer the fall when I can layer.
I had to laugh when I read your story of the unflattering photo on Sylvia’s blog. When I’m with my friends in NY and someone asks to take our photo, I’m always crossing my fingers that I don’t look “old and pinched”.
I so love the pattern and color of the first dress especially. Light cotton dresses are the way to go in the heat–I kind of live in them here since I don’t like wearing shorts unless I’m cleaning the house or hiking, haha!
so fresh looks! xxx
You know the summer heat is out of control when you have to change from cotton into linen and from a fitted silhouette to a tent shape. Ugh, I’m so done with this heat. I appreciate your packing tips, especially the note about wrapping linen and silk to avoid wrinkling. Genius! And I’m only a little devastated that you didn’t buy the pink and green high-collar dress, if only because I want to wear it vicariously through you. Outlining all of its flaws does lessen the blow a bit. I guess I’ll (we’ll? you’ll?) live without it. Have a great weekend!
<3 Liz
I love seeing what you wore to NYC (man, the heat there makes it hard to pack!) and especially like the skirt you picked up there. Both outfits you wore it with were cute!
Love your point about all outfits needing to be “blogworthy.” Good point! It just makes you feel better about yourself, even if the camera doesn’t manage to come out! Actually, I felt all your point were great.
I loved getting to see what you packed for NYC (the heat makes things so tricky!) and loved your choices. That skirt you picked up there was especially cute and both outfits you show with it are so great.
I like all your packing tips, but especially the idea to make all outfits “blogworthy” because even if a camera never comes out to take a photo for a blog… well, it makes you feel better and more confident about yourself and that is important.
I am so impressed: one carry one suitcase!! Amazing. With the flights where I am allowed one free carry on suitcase, they count my normal bag (or backpack) as 1 item. So that gives problems anyway. But still.. honestly you did so well. I love all your outfits. And yes I saw the photo of you in your golden / bronze evening dress on Sylvia’s site and it wasn’t a lucky shot. (I think she removed it, as I don’t see it anymore on her site).
I hope I have always done you honour with the pictures of you which I gave shown. If not, please let me know.
It is a shame that you couldn’t wear the first dress because of the heat as it is so pretty. You didn’t pack those blue sandals I bet.
The floral skirt is ever so pretty on you. Really shows off your figure. I like it a lot with the pink shirt, but even more with the yellow one. And about that Mexican skirt… couldn’t you have sewn the gaps up yourself? It looks so good on you. Especially with that cute white top.
The silk dress is very feminine. And I understand you didn’t buy the long polyester dress, but by golly it suits you so well. That halterline is good for you.
I wouldn’t do well with only one bag in total. I might be able to do it, but I wouldn’t be able to take my laptop.
After I wrote this I suggested Sylvia just crop me out of the photo she did. I don’t mind photos of me looking silly when I’m being silly. When I’m trying to look glamourous and look awful and very overweight I really dislike them. Like anyone I guess.
Don’t worry, I would have said something if you put up something I really disliked : )
No I didn’t take the blue sandals. Only comfort shoes for NY.
That skirt couldn’t be fixed. It had a very strange closure on both side and did up like a reverse bib on the inside of the skirt. I can’t even explain it, it was so weird. So you couldn’t stitch up the sides or you’d never get out of the skirt. Such a shame as it was gorgeous and so unique. It is highly unlikely they will ever sell it for $195 that they are asking. The top too, as you mentioned was lovely, but I rarely wear white next to my face.
I also like that halter top dress. I wouldn’t have anywhere to wear it and it was too rich for my blood. I’m trying desperately to be more practical, but damn it is hard when I have enablers at every turn ; )
The skirt needed to be thoroughly changed then. As in closing differently and with a zipper. Already being 195, that would make it even worse. If the closure was like a bib, could it have been a size zero? For an even tinier waist then yours?
than, I meant than. Not then.
Those are some pretty fabulous outfits…I don’t think I can pick a favorite, although the Tristan dress is pretty fine. There are few things more challenging on dressing for high heat and humidity. My feet are in the process of healing all of the wounds from wearing shoes that weren’t heat/humidity/sweat friendly.
What an amazing grouping of stunning looks, Suzanne. Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & we look forward to seeing you back this week!
Dawn Lucy
Love everything you wore in NYC and your infographic is hilarious! I can’t wait to see the silver jumpsuit.